Chapter 17: The Results Are In

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Maddie POV

I grabbed the stick and a huge smile came across my face. I was pregnant! I ran on top if prince and woke him up.

Maddie: PRINCE!!!

Prince: what? (Sleepy voice)

Prince saw my huge smile across my face.

Prince: your pregnant?

Maddie: yup! We are going to be a family!!!!

Prince: that's great....

Maddie: you don't seem so extcied.

Prince: no I am it's just I didn't know if we were ready or if I was ready for this. Plus your career is just taking off. I feel like it's all my fault.

Maddie: babe I'm ready for this..... When you weren't here I relized how quiet it was in this house. How lonely it is in this house without you. We have 4 extra bedrooms what are we going to do with them. We already gave beans one. That leaves us with 3. I'm ready for this. And my career...... I should be fine until I start showing.

Prinxe: were really doing this?

Maddie: yea we are.

Prinxe: you know what I just relized.

Maddie: what.

Prince: I'm going to be a father!!!!

Maddie: yea you are.

Prince: wait it's mine right?

Maddie: no it's the mail mans! Of course it's yours!

Prince: ok I was just making sure.

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