Chapter 29: Its Here

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~ 2 months later~

Me and prince were playing with Issy. We were always busy(Princeton- mindless behavior, Isabella, and Ray's wedding and me- LA Laker girls, dance ruinties, LA laker events, Isabella and Taylor's wedding) we never get time to just sit down and be a family. We were trying to teach Issy to walk before the wedding but she failed. She stand up but she is scared to walk so she just crawl to prince. We laughed at her everytime.

Prince: she adorable... Just like her mother..

Maddie:*smiling* she's cute just like her father...

We smile at eachother. And kiss. We kiss alittle more and I feel his tongue on my mouth asking for a entnctrace. I smiled and let him in. He explored my mouth till he pulled away. I looked at him cunfused but he looked at Issy.

Prince: HEY!! Why you hit me Bella?

I looked at Issy who gave him a stank look. And moved her finger side to side. And she shaked her head. Like she was saying no. I laughed at Bella and Prince.

Prince: she is a trip...

Maddie: well she is your daughter

Prince: our daughter.... And she gets it from you...!!

Maddie: na-ah!

Prince: yea-ha!

Maddie: what every prince!

There was a long pause.

Maddie: so when are we going to be an actually family?

Prince: what do you mean? we are a family.

Maddie: no I mean when are we going to get married?

There was a long pause and he looked down. He put his hand in his pocket. And stared at his pocket. Like he had something in there.

Maddie: what's that?

Prince: ummm... It's nothing.

He said getting up. With his hands in his pockets.

Maddie: Princccee

I said holding out the "ce" part.

Prince: what?

Maddie: don't play with me what is in your pocket!

Prince: my hand...

Maddie: JACOB!!!

Prince: what!

Maddie: Jacob Anouthry Perez what's is in your damn pocket!

Prince: It's now of your business.

Maddie: I'm your girlfriend and the mother of your baby I should now what's in your pocket!

Prince: I told you my hand is in my pocket!

Maddie: stop fxcking lying!

We started aguring. And our phones started ringing. But we didn't even look at it. Our phones keep ringing but we didn't care. We just kept aguring. I felt something on my leg thinking it was beans. I pushed him away with my leg and I heard something fall and I heard crying and screaming. We stop arguing and looked at Issy sitting on the floor crying her eyes out. I ran to her and held her tight.

Maddie: Issy what hurts!?

Issy had her hand on her heart. Like me and Prince arguing made her hurt. I kissed her forehead. And she cried alittle more. Prince was sitting next to me. Hugging me. Out phones kept going off.

Maddie: Prince get the phone!

He got up and went to my phone.

Prince: babe you have 12 missed calls.

Maddie: from who?

Prince: Taylor and Rockelle.

Prince walked over to his phone.

Prince: I got 14 missed calls from Ej Ray and Roc.

My phone went off again but it was Taylor texting me.

Prince: Taylor said get to the hospital.

My phone went off again. It was keep her in the low so I know it was Taylor. I picked up Issy and walked to my phone. I answered it and heard Taylor Rockelle Ej Roc and Ray freaking out.

Maddie: what's going on!?

Taylor: get to the hosptail!

Maddie: wait why!

Taylor: it's here!

She hunged up and I dropped my phone. Prince looked at me like I was crazy.

Prince: what's wrong?

Maddie: hurry get your shoes on!

Prince: why?

Maddie: it's here!

Prince: what's here?

Maddie: I think Nia baby is on it's way!

Prinxe: o shit!

Maddie: put cloths on Issy!

Prince took Issy upstairs and I put in my shoes. Prince came back down with Issy. She had on a tie-Ty shrit on, black leggings and red converes on. I laughed a little then he sat Issy down. He put on his shoes as I got the baby bag. We rushed out the door.

Prince: wait we forgot Bella!

He opened the door and Issy was standing up. She moved one leg then the other. She tried again. But she fell. She got back up and did it again but faster. She was walking. She walked to us. Prince smiled and picked her up. He kissed her cheek and she smiled and laughed. Issy just took her frist steps!

Prince: come in we gotta go!

We got to the car and drove to the hosptail.

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