It Is Time For The Examination

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After performing your in-battle weapon to the men and getting a short tour around the building, you were escorted to your assigned room. There are four doors, and the last door at the end of the hallway is yours. The other three already had a name plate on the surface. Medic, Spy, Sniper. And then yours, "Dinner will be on 7 o'clock. Until then, make yourself at home," Engineer who has shown you around pat you on the back and smiling, leaving you alone after you thanked him. You insert the key into the keyhole on the doorknob, and with a click the door open. You drop your sling bag onto the floor near the bed, placing down the briefcase onto the desk.


Silence occupies the room as you stare into the wall in front of you. Muffled sound of people conversing can be heard from outside your room although it's not clear. You are exhausted from the long trip to get here, but more so your mind is filled with many thought. You snap out of your mind when a knock on the door wake you up. Turning your head, you wait for someone to identify themselves, "Assistant. May I have a vord viz you?"


You open the door for the doctor. His figure stand tall in front of you and he gets this wide smile on his face; slightly making you unnerving and uncomfortable at the same time. Still, you smile at him, "How may I help you, doctor?"

"Zhere vould be a procedure for zhe respawn system—" oh yeah you've heard about the respawn from Miss Pauling. Which you think is convenient and terrific at the same time, "—also zhe use of my uber charge. Please come to zhe medical bay viz me so I could do zhe procedure on you before dinnertime."

Following him behind, you notice how broad his shoulder and how graceful the tail of his coat sway as he walk. Kind of like watching a scene from a movie, you muse to yourself. You pass by the living room and kitchen and then the Medic turn to a hallway which lead you to a basement. At the end of the hallwayd is a double door. He open the doors for both of you and enter a rather wide room with many medical related stuffs inside. There is a gurney in the middle of the room. Rows of cabinet lined up against the wall. A single desk with lot of papers, files, and pined notes is rested at the corner of the room. Another desk to the corner which look like a working desk. There are also beds inside the room.

"Please change your clozh viz zhis. You can change behind zhat curtain," Medic hands you a hospital dress as he points to the bed section. As the man instructed you too, you take the dress and go behind the curtain, taking off your sleeveless jacket and then shirt, as well as your other protection, then swiftly put the dress Medic has given to you, "Can I wear my pants still, doctor?"


Oh, cool.

You step out of the curtain and approach the doctor who has been preparing the tools. You see stuffs that you usually saw for the preparation of a surgery, which make you thinking, "It requires surgery? The procedure?"

Medic turns around as he finished preparing everything he needs on the tray. There is a grin when you look at him, "Ja. A heart surgery."

Colour drains from your face. Medic notices it and chuckle at the sight, "It vould be fine, Assistant! Now, please get on zhe gurney so ve could start."

You stand on your ground. Flabbergasted.

"Assistant, bitte?" asks Medic again with more emphasize. Slowly you make your way toward the gurney, feeling the surface before getting up with a hop. Sitting on the bed, waiting. The man had went to wash his hands at the sink in the room. You notice how high the ceiling is in the room and there is an area which seemingly connected to a room. A glass area where people could watch what happen in the room from above.


"Uhm doctor... how would the procedure go? If I'm allowed to ask."

Medic is back with his hands steril. However no indication that he would wear surgery gloves. Is he going to do it bare handed?

"Ja. I vill replace your heart viz zhe customized heart vhich I've developed for zhe use of ze uber charge. And zhen, ve vill continue to do zhe brain surgery to inject zhe chemical zhat vill create mutation on your brainstem so you could respawn vhen you die," Medic answers you with excitement and glee in his voice, which actually drain almost all of the colour from your face once again. Which he takes notice as well. The man touches your cheek as if he were pinching a kid's cheek when they're pouting and do sweet talking, "Oh don't be such a baby. It vill be fine, trust me. Now vould you please lie down."

Swiftly Medic helps you with the dress and placing the surgical drape on you. He proceed with the anesthesic on the chest area and then turning the handle of the thing above you, which you thought was one of the lamps at first (although it has weird noozle). You feel light-headed at first when the red beam appears and flow from the noozle to your chest area. You can feel your heart beating slightly faster before it goes back to normal rate. You wait for the anesthesic kick in but you didn't feel any different beside getting warm and relaxed. You almost jump on your place seeing the scalpel that the Medic holds closely to your heart area, "W-wait wait, Doc! I don't think the anesthesic kicking in yet—"

"It's a local anesthesic. You'll be avake zhe entire time! Isn't it exciting to vatch your own heart?"

Your eyes go wide and you try to get up from the bed, but Medic firmly hold you down yet gentle, "Don't vorry, mein freund. Zhe Medi Gun vill help you cope up viz zhe surgery!"

He leans down and whisper to your ear with a soothing tone, "Trust me."

When he is certain you've calmed down for a bit, he brings the scalpel back and down to your chest. He gives pressure on the flesh and you can feel it grazes you. It doesn't hurt as much as you think it would. But still. You look up and avoid watching the whole process. Though you couldn't do much with the sound Medic made as he operates. By the tip of your eyes you notice some pair of doves hanging around the room and actually watch the surgery, "Doves...?"

"Ja, zhey've been viz me for a long time," explains Medic, now taking an instrument to hold the open flesh in place. You see the red everywhere and you wonder how you can still hold it together. One of the doves fly down and land on your head, then settle comfortably. By now, you don't give anything a mind at all. It feels quite nice actually with the warmth the dove provides to your scalp, "Oh? Archimedes seems to take a liking to you. He rarely ever get close to stranger."

"I like him..." you close your eyes and then you feel yourself in a blank state. By the time everything turns back normal to you, you are come face to face with Medic. He gets this smug grin on his face, "Willkommen zurück! You vere dead vhen I took out your heart, but now you're back alive again! I did your brain too vhen you vere out, so everyzhing is done here. It vork now!"

Your jaws slightly open with eyes staring wide at the doctor, who still grinning at you, innocently. You look down and see the mess on your hospital dress, smell of iron overwhelm your nose. How could he say it casually that you were dead for a while? And taking your hear out? You feel lightheaded for a second, thankfully the red beam from the Medi Gun slowly help you with the incoming sickness. You wish no more surgery in the future.

As you bring your hand to your head, you are in contact with something feathery and a coo, also a soft peck to your fingers. The dove, Archimedes. still nestling on your scalp. You gently stroke him on the head. He gives a satisfaction coo and nuzzles to your touch.

"It von't take long for zhe Medi Gun to fully heal you; you vill have some time too for shower if you vant before dinner," says Medic as he is doing an after surgery clean up to you and his surgery equipment. He looks up when you aren't responding, to find you softly snoring with Archimedes nuzzling on your head. It is quiet a sight with the bloody mess on you.

The bird flaps his wings and coos to his owner, who responds back with a smile that much too evil for comfort, "Ja, I agree Archimedes. Let's let zhe Assistant take some rest for a bit."

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