That Happened

686 30 23

You are crouching behind a wall around the corner together with Soldier, Heavy, and Medic. All of you RED team are actually being split into few groups to carry out this mission. You are quite impressed that all of you have not been ambushed so far. Which is great. It is a hassle to get yourself into such tight situation with the enemy, so it is best to avoid such occasion in battle at all cost. The image of you getting ambushed by the enemy Scout back then always send chill run down your spine. It couldn't be helped though, you were caught in action in the first place.

As you peek carefully, you see the enemies are guarding the door that will lead you to the target. There are quite few sentry in the room, and by the corner of your eyes you could see movement on the upper level; Sniper and Engineer are keeping an eye on the enemy's movement from their place. You couldn't see them, but Scout and Pyro are waiting at the other side of the area while hiding, ready to conduct the operation; and for Spy himself is nowhere to be found. You look back at the men behind you whom giving you a firm nod; now or never. Soldier stepped in front of you with his rocket launcher and charge into the room, "FORWARD!"


You sprawl yourself on the couch as soon as all of you got back to the base, succeeding on carrying out the mission. Although you didn't really move much back then, but reloading a lot of bullets and often actually were tiring. Here you thought you will get used to it eventually, but seems like it will take some times. You sigh as you stretch the muscles of your arms. Thankfully you and the men will have a day off tomorrow.



You jolt up from your nap, holding your tingling cheek, taking in the appearance of Scout whom holding down a can of cold juice he was using to scare you. He himself gets himself a bottle of cold beer, "Great job out there, pally."

"Thanks. You too. Those hits at the enemy Demoman is very helping. I thought I would get blown up into pieces," you smile at him and take the drink from his hand. Scout hops down onto the couch beside you and take a gulp from his beer. Opening the can, you take a sip on the content. Seems like the mercenaries stock up a lot of beers and juice. The first day of your arrival, the men were holding a small welcome party for you, which is very kind of them. There are many fast foods and beers, a lot of beers, and unfortunately you had to tell them that you couldn't drink alcohol due to your low tolerance with the subtance.

The corner of his lips rose to form into a small grin, leaning comfortably, having one of his arms resting on the head of the couch, "Heh, of course. I'm da best! But, eeeh, even if you did get blown up, you will get back into one piece again."

"I know. But, I would love to avoid dying as much as possible... so I want at least to stay alive longer," the thought of being respawning over and over again is already nightmare enough for you. Although the pills given by Medic is actually has been helping you toning down the side effect you got from getting respawning, yet it is still a roller coaster experience, though not too intense like the first time. You wonder if you will be alright when you're going to run out of the pills, or will you be dependable instead?

Your gaze are fixated on the juice in your hands when you suddenly feel a pressure on your head and then a rather rough head rub. You keep quiet about it until the gesture become too rough for you. You grab his hand in order to stop him from inflicting anymore 'damage' on you, "Uh, Scout—it's hurt—"

Scout scoffs as he stopped with his action, "What's with that sour face? Doesn't matter how many time we die, as long as we get back on our feet, that's what matter."

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