It's A Wild Day

588 27 16

It has been a while since you are out of cold due to the drug he injected in you through the new weapon he had been developed few months back. Medic seemed pleased at the result; you are peacefully sleeping. His laughter echoed in the room. It was interrupted however by the sound of the medical bay door being opened from outside. Sniper had entered the room while holding his head. He stopped on his track when he witnessed the sight before him, quite baffled and concerned at the same time when he notices you lying unconscious on the gurney. Sniper turned his attention at the euphoric German, eyebrows knit together, "Did I interrupt something...?"

"Ah, Sniper. How may I help you" Medic asked. His smile was tight.

Despite him smiling, Sniper could see through the man that the doctor was quite annoyed at his presence. He probably did interrupt something. Something he was doing with you? By then he was getting more concerned for your well being, "What have you done to them?"

"Nozing extraordinary. I just injected ze sleeping drug into zem," Medic said whilst keeping his amused smile. He did not expect that he would see Sniper getting quite worked up like that. As if Medic had just done something terrible to his family.

"You did what??" Sniper, who had forgotten his headache just then held his head once again. It throbbed slightly. He quickly approached the sleeping you and gently laid his hand on your shoulder, then giving you little nudge which gradually become rougher, but not too much. Just in the scale when one trying to wake up someone. He sighed in relieve when he saw you were wincing and eyes slowly fluttering open, "Hey, you're alright?"

You blinked a few times before narrowing your eyes at the sight of Sniper hovering over you with a worried expression, "Uh, yeah? What happened...?" you were certainly clueless of what was happening. Why were you lying on the gurney? Why did Sniper looked concerned at you? But more importantly the amused expression Medic had on his face. What did just happened?

The Medic approached both of you with his hands behind his back, "How are you feeling, Assistant?"

"How am I feeling?" you tilted your head slightly to the side, eyebrows still knitted together in bewilderment as you sat up on the gurney, running your fingers through your hair, "Just feel a bit sleepy... but, however, what do you want to show me just then in the morning?"

"I just did. Zat's vhy you fell asleep just now," he said in excitement, looking satisfied for some reason. He went to grab something from his desk and you noticed the baumkuchen you just bought was still in tact, untouched. Your eyes went to Sniper whom looking as confused as you. Not long after, Medic was back with a gun in his grips and it was equipped with silencer. You curiously eyed the gun as he brought it closer to you, even Sniper leaned in further to look. The smile never left the German's face, "A tranquilizer gun, or should I say a 'sleep dart'. As soon as ze drug penetrated into ze target, zey vill fall unconscious in a second. I'd been experimenting it on ze rats, but now I finally got ze great final result on human; good vork, Assistant!"

You blinked your eyes a few times, was flabbergasted at the newfound information you just heard. The back of your neck was tingling after that. You rubbed the spot where you felt the sensation as you sweating mentally whilst smiling on the outside; did Medic just tell you that you were just being experimented without knowing? That man... he did that without warning—

On the other hand, Sniper felt sorry for you. Glad it was not a dangerous thing that Medic did on you, despite him being the mad doctor in the group and the Australian could be careless about his experiments and what not, he could not forgive the German if he harmed the new member, you. He wondered why he even cared in the first place too after that. Sniper rubbed his face, felt exhausted already, and his headache was coming back, "I forgot that I come here to ask for painkiller..."

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