The Assignment

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The next day, you woke up before the sun even peeking out from its slumber. You lied still on the bed, staring to the ceiling as your fingers tapped gently against the mattress. It was silent. Eventually, you got up from the bed. Everyone probably are still on their bed at the moment and the day won't start yet in a couple of hours, so you decided to take a walk. As you thought, the base was quite. You went to the kitchen to get some water when you stumbled upon a man figure by the kitchen counter. You were startled by him. It was terrific because the light in the kitchen wasn't lit up and the only source of light was coming from the opened fridge, casting a rather creepy shadow over him when he turned around toward you with a knife in his hand, "Oh, Assistant. Preev-yet. You are very early."

You briefly screamed before quickly turning on the light. Is it even the right thing to do if it was a horror movie?

His face scrunched up when he heard your scream at the same time the light being turned on. It was Heavy, "What was that?"

"Why didn't you turn on the light..?" your eyes were wide open and your mouth was slightly gapping, "It's scary!"

Heavy frowned, looked confused, "What scary?"

You rubbed your face, somehow feeling exhausted. You noticed a loaf of bread, slices of cheese, and ham on the counter. There was also already a plate of sandwich among them. The man basically decided to make a sandwich in the dark, and only used the light from the fridge, "I thought you're a burglar at first—"

"If there is burglar coming in here, I'm going to beat all of them," Heavy snorted as he went back to make more sandwich, "They are idiots if they brave enough to enter this place in the first place, Assistant," you supposed that would make sense. They have questionable camouflage for their base though, but they have great security. The security would notify everyone in the base if there would be anyone or anything trespassing, very convenient if you might say. They also have sentries around the area, which is going to be a problem for the trespasser if they got noticed.

There was a jar of barley tea in the fridge, so you went for that option. You sat yourself down on one of the chairs and drank your tea whilst staring off of the window. The sky was still dark, coupled with stars. You wondered how it feel to sleep under the clear starry sky like that. Must be nice to camp outside. You were pulled out of your thought when you heard Heavy's voice. He was looking at you when you took your attention to him whom by then, taking a bite from his homemade sandwiches, "Why did Assistant not going back to sleep?"

"I don't think I could go back to sleep," you placed your drink down onto the table, smiling briefly at the Russian man, "I'm all awake right now. Also, I like the dawn. The sunrise is always beautiful."

Heavy took another bite of his sandwich as he looked out of the window to the still night day, "Everyone still sleeping and only the night animals are around, so I guess, is peaceful."

You were also looking at the starry sky outside. Glancing back at the big Russian man, you took a sip of your tea, then pointed your drink toward the sandwiches on the plate, "What about you? Midnight snack?"

"Kind of. But also this is preparation for our mission later. I need my sandviches," he replied after swallowing down his snack.

You finished your drink and went to the sink to wash the glass, and after that bid farewell with Heavy whom still enjoying his sandwich by the kitchen counter. There is still time until the sunrise, so you went outside to get to the hill behind the building that you saw from your room. You took your time to walk there, and by the time you arrived, the sun had started to rise. You also noticed a camping van parked in the area and there was the leftover of bonfire outside it. Your eyebrows rose at the sight as you passed by the van to get to the edge of the hill to watch the sunrise. It was quite chilly that day when the morning breeze hit your face. You sighed, gripping your jacket closer to you. Suddenly you heard the door of the van being opened and someone stepping out of the vehicle. You turned around to see who it was.

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