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Sitting at my desk with files opened and sprawled around in not a very appealing manner, I searched for all the clues of the most recent kidnapping. The young boy of age nine name was Rafael Santiago and apparently he was also the Don of Santiago brothers gang, first son.

He was kidnapped while riding his bike in front of his home. Apparently, eye witnesses state that a black van pulled up and masked men pulled the child in. The mother ran out screaming his name and she collapsed onto the road.

All evidence that I had found on this kidnapping and others link in every aspect available. A black unmarked van and masked men grabbing the kids nothing more than ten. What I will like to find out is why that age group. Usual serial kidnappings are associated with teens not children so young.

My mind kept telling me to ask Scar what she knew but I honestly hated bringing her in my job affairs. Our relationship, no, our friendship, was doing great and I will like for it to continue on that pathway.

Sighing out loud I looked at the other images on my desk and tried mapping any existing ties together. However, a knock on my door brought out of my chain of thoughts.

"I heard you were back." That ridiculously smooth voice said with a sly grin.

"Hi Celene." I said in monotone.

"Aw I expected more enthusiasm." She said with a cracked grin.

"What do you want? I'm quite busy." I finally looked up at her and kept my face neutral and my pen twirled between my fingers.

"I just want for us to start over. I know when you supposedly died we weren't on the same foot but," she started but I interjected before she could advance any further with her ridiculous claims of patching our rift.

"We have no problems. You're simply a lunatic that tried to come between Luther and I's work partnership and tried to sabotage it for this office." Holding my palm up to show her that I canceled that war.

"So you're not upset about the whole fight over Scar thing?" She questioned with an amused smile.

"How do you know Scar?" I asked with a prominent scowl.

"So you don't remember. Ahh!" She said before sauntering out of my office.

"Celene!" I called but she was already gone.

I'll kill Scar!


Strolling through the corridors of the mansion, I stopped in front of Scar's music room and opened the door. She sat at a piano with a blunt between her lips. Her tie was loosened and her sleeves were rolled up which made her look even sexier than she already was.

"Miss Kenneth!" Tapping the tip of my shoe on the wooden floors with my arms folded. She turned to me with a wide grin.

"Hello to you too Miss Pearson."

"How do you know Celene and do not lie to me."

After hearing the name she turned to me with wide eyes and put the blunt into the astray. Standing with her hands in front of her most likely to hug me, I moved to the side. Sighing loudly, she ran a hand through those thick dark curls.

"What did she do?"

"Not what she did but what she said."


"Well what?"

"What did the treacherous bitvh say?"

Grey eyes meeting green, we stared at each other with different expressions. Mine being that of anger while hers being that of confusion.

"I'll dilapidate both your body and hers if you don't explain to me how do you know Celene."

"Sydney she was a pawn in the plan to take me down. Apparently she was assigned to make me fall for her because you were too much in love with me to deliver any information."

"What? That bitch was with you."

"Not technically, we had a brief hiatus."

"A brief hiatus? A brief hiatus?"

"Honestly Sydney you almost killed her. I was shocked that she was still alive."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, you did. Then your psycho ex girlfriend caught us fucking and well she told me about your plan."

"What plan? And Kelly caught us having sex? Wow!" I took a breather and looked back up at Scar who was actually laughing at this revelation.

"Yeah she did."

"So wait let me get this clear. I almost killed Celene then you came and we had sex and kelly found out, she tried to spite me by telling you about the plan? Where did all of this occur?"

"In your office." She said before laughing.

"Scar this is not funny." I reprimanded with a finger facing her face.

"I'm sorry." She smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me between her legs where she leaned on the piano. A chastise kiss to my forehead calmed me as well as the slow rubbing of my arm with her fingers.

"It's all over now and I have you and James." She said softly before taking my lips between hers.

"I love you." She smiled.

Smiling deeply while staring into those green pools, I wrapped my arm around her neck while kissing her deeply. Her arms found my waist where she held onto it firmly before lifting me in the air and slamming me onto the casing of the piano.

Her lips quickly found my neck and little bites were made which of course elicited a well deserved moan from my lips.

Scar's head begun to delve further along my body before my phone rung loudly and she sighed loudly. Muttering a small sorry I grabbed the phone and answered.


"Sydney, we have a lead. Get down here."

Muttering another sorry I got up and grabbed my jacket that I didn't even know Scar tugged off.

"You owe me." I heard her scream but I already was speeding out the door.


Walking through the halls of precinct, I walked to the conference room where Rick, Alonzo and another lady who I'm yet to know the name of, were all sitting around the table with files on their desk.

"Sydney, thank you for gracing us with your time." Rick started.

Smiling and sitting next to him, I crossed my leg and opened my files.

"We have been looking at all known drug and human trafficker gangs for a lead. However we have come to realize we were looking at all the wrong places."

Staring at him confused, he continued.

"We had an eyewitness come in earlier. Her son was kidnapped but she saw one person in the van when her son was grabbed." The lady who's name I knows not of stated.

Rick turned to me with a big grin on his face. "None other than our gracious ruler, Scar Kenneth."

Death of Roses(book two)(lesbian stories)Where stories live. Discover now