But It's Brighter Somewhere Else

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Hermione walked down the halls of the Ministry of Magic and headed to her office as the Head of the department of mysteries.
She slumped into her chair as she started her work. She loved her job but lack of sleep made it almost impossible for her to concentrate on her work.
The sordid weather outside dulled her surroundings even further. It had been raining for days and there seemed to be no respite from the downpour.

Days like this gave her time to think. She often thought about her obliviated parents and wondered where they were. She was erased from her parents' lives and that was the sad reality. The war destroyed people, places and things she held dear. But she was healing. And she had her friends to help her along the way.
Harry was offered the post of minister of magic but he politely declined as he thought Kingsley would be better at the job. He was also keen on living a normal life with his wife, Ginny Weasley who was pregnant at the moment. The Boy-who-lived and his Redheaded best friend, Ron preferred to be in the auror program. And as obvious as it was, they were chosen in a heartbeat.

Hermione's assistant, Rebekah walked into the office and placed another stack of papers on her desk.
"Good morning Miss Granger." The petite blonde smiled cheerily.
Hermione smiled back.
"Good morning Rebekah. What's this?" She questioned, indicating the stack and pouting .
"The minister said he wanted this report submitted within the next 48 hours." She grimaced. "Would you like some help? I could sort them out if you like." She chimed.
Hermione smiled at her, nodded and thanked Merlin for her extraordinary assistant.
Rebekah picked up half the stack and was about to walk out when she turned around again.
"Oh, and 'mione? The Minister's announced the annual ball. I won't be able to make it." She informed.
Hermione nodded.
Halfway through the work, someone burst into the room. She looked up annoyed at the intruder and then stared blankly at Ron who was panting wildly like he had just run a marathon.
Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.
"Ginny...." he gasped for air, clutching his chest and holding up a hand for her to give him a minute to breathe.
At first she was worried that something had happened to her pregnant best friend. Then it quickly changed to annoyance towards the redhead who was taking far too long to speak.

Honestly! Wasn't his auror training working?!?!

"What is it Ron?!?!" She urged.
"She needs you at St. Mungo's now!!! Room 102. Go!!" He yelled.
Her eyes widened as she left her work and ran to the floo network shouting St.Mungo's, the green flames engulfing her.
Ron gripped his stomach in pain at the stitches and made his way to Hermione's chair, downing a glass of water
"Bloody hell!" He muttered to himself.

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