Care To Die?

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Draco walked non-chalantly towards the ward his mother was admitted in.
The healer posted there looked at him and nodded in recognition before leaving to grab a bite. He opened the door and found his mother in a troubled sleep. He sat beside her and held her hand. Draco grew more worried every time he went to meet his mother. This hospital didn't make her better. Not in the slightest.

She woke up and she smiled genuinely at him. The young Slytherin smiled awkwardly and looked down at their clasped hands.
"Draco.." she started.
"How are you mother? You look healthier than before." Draco lied.
"I am quite well, son. And you? All alone at the Manor." She asked.
"I'm alright, mother." He answered, not wanting to bring up the topic again.
"Draco, I'm your mother. I know you better than you know yourself. You've shut everyone out of your life, including me. Love, find someone to help you." She adviced.
Draco pulled his hand away, slightly furious.
"I don't need anyone, mother. I have my friends and I have you." He said hastily.
Narcissa smiled sadly at him and her eyes teared up. She pointed to an opened letter on her bedside table with the ministry's seal on it. Draco grew worried.
He read through it once and then read it again, his mind not grasping what was written on the piece of parchment.
His father was...dead? The thought seemed so vague. He hugged his mother, keeping a stoic expression.
"You are allowed to show me how you feel, Draco." Narcissa said, knowing that Draco was in pain. "You are my son and I love you." She smiled once again.
Draco nodded and a single tear escaped his eyes. Narcissa wiped it away.
Draco had vowed never to bring up the topic of his father on his own accord.
But for his Mother's sake, he would consider it. Sometimes.

Draco trembled slightly as he set the paper down. Sure, Lucius Malfoy had been heartless in the past, but was this a good riddance or an unfortunate event? He could see the door or in his mother's eyes. This could worsen her plight. And he didn't want to lose her.

Meanwhile, Hermione's eagerness to eavesdrop on the conversation resulted in her hand accidentally banging against the door, instantly drawing Draco's attention.
He saw a head quickly disappear from view.
He checked the corridor only to find it empty.
Draco walked back into the room and kissed his mum Goodbye.
"Goodbye love. Come back soon, ok?" His mother said tiredly.
He nodded and left the room.
He made a direct beeline to the nearest broom closet, only to see Hermione Granger staring up at him with an apologetic expression on her face.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her out. That's when she noticed the long, ragged scars thats ran down his arm, over his dark mark.
He saw her staring at it and rolled his sleeve down quickly, growling.

"Malfoy, I...." Hermione started.
"Save it, Granger. You and I both know what a nosy witch you are. But here's a warning." He stepped closer.
"Never try be somewhere you're not welcome." He hissed and and pushed her back in, closing the closet door on her face.
He turned around and walked away, distraught.

Hermione apparated home and crumbled into her couch. Today was a long day.
On the other hand, she didn't know what to think about Malfoy.
He was still a prick. But the scars on his arms were self-inflicted. He seemed pained. She knew from all the eavesdropping she did at the hospital. He had a dark soul and he was alone.
But she didn't let this affect her. She had her own life to worry about.

She showered, devoured her dinner and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The young blond was the least of her worries.

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