Chapter 1 "Meeting the Dark Figure"

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Maria's POV

I had just left Veronica's house she can be a pain in the ass when she wants to.
Veronica has been my best friend since we were little kids, or rather since I was a Little kid. I said that because Veronica is five years older than me.

Bummer right?

I still couldn't believe Veronica would be getting married in about 3months time. Like I couldn't be more happier for her.

But still you wouldn't be able to tell the age difference between I and Veronica, maybe because of my tall stature or my level of maturity *laughs*

I was on my way home after the visit, I really enjoy spending most of my time with Veronica and not at home because my mum and I haven't been on good terms since she got re-married to Dr Williams.

Not like I have anything personal against the innocent dude or maybe I do, but it hurts a lot that mum decided to replace dad after he died of a cancer three years ago. She didn't even mourn Dad for more than 2 months before she got married again.

I and my dad we were very close and I don't think I'm ready to address Dr Williams as my father just yet. Yeah talk about my level of maturity though. *sighs*

Although Veronica advised that I should allow my Mum to be happy and if finding another lover would make her happy and forget about my dads death then so be it.

I was getting closer to my house till I noticed an alley. All through my 19 years on earth I had never noticed an alley at that spot, and as I was about to walk further because things started seeming weird I noticed a dark figure walking towards me, it was already getting very dark so I couldn't see the face. Just then the figure ran past me and then grabbed me from behind, tugging me to different directions.


I screamed as I began to struggle out of the person's grip.

I didn't think I'd get killed this day or like this, oh this can't be happening.

"Shhh, stay still" The person said as he dragged me to an abandoned cottage by the alley, at least that I know of.

"Stay still? Stay still? How do you grab a young lady like this and then tell her to stay still!" I yelled, not taking a break to breathe.

By then he had left me and I was able to take in his features .

His face looked very pale, he had pitch black eyes which I considered to be very creepy.

"Who are you?" I asked

"Your knight in shining armor" he replied cheerily.

His hair was dyed blue and he was looking very masculine.

"Yh tell me about it" I replied sarcastically as I internally rolled my eyes.

I really don't know why I wasn't scared any longer, probably because if he had wanted me dead I'd be.

"Why would you kidnap me?" I asked and then He smirked.

"Like I mean if you wanted to tell a girl she's very pretty, that's no way to do so and well thank you I know I'm pretty" I said going hand on hip.

" and besides that blue hairdo looks -.."

"..Oh please, you talk a lot. Let's start over Maria Duple" he said. He said!

How on earth did he know my name.

"Omg! You are not only a weird freak but a stalker, ok. I'm done here" I said as I turned around to take my leave but a heavy force wouldn't let me.

I swallowed hard.

"Yh I expected that" He says as he began to laugh very hard.

That sent chills down my spine. So this is it, I'm gonna leave earth at age 19 with no good job, no college degree, I would even miss Veronica's wedding.
She would be devastated at my sudden death...

"I'm the dealer ." he said cutting off my thinking.
"I want to help you" he added

"...what?" More of an exclamation than a question.

" I have a deal for you". He continued.

What kind of help does this weird dude think I'd be needing. If he isn't resurrecting my dad and making Dr Williams disappear, he should just leave me alone.

"It's funny how I can read your thoughts. The dead is dead yunno" he said.

Now I was scared, I stared at this weird guy stealthily.

"Please help me already and let me be, my mum would be dead worried it's 10:56pm already."

"Yes Maria ...THIS IS THE DEAL"

A/N: well I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter.
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