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October 16th, 2001

"Focus." The professor's voice came out soft, almost like a whisper.

Thomas' eyes were squeezed so tightly it hurt. His arms were outstretched, his palms flat against the air. He could feel something like sparks dancing on his skin, they got hot at times which made Thomas wince.

Thomas didn't reply, he just closed his eyes tighter and pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth. Suddenly Thomas felt a jolt rip through his body, it startled him so much he felt his body be physically pushed back.

He peaked one eye open, grinning when the mannequin in front of him was smoking, it upper body completely gone.

The professor was smiling as he brought his hands together in a single clap. "There you go."

There was still light grey smoke swirling around Thomas' hands. He felt powerful.

"It's easier, I don't get thrown into the dreams as often anymore," Thomas said as he looked down at his hands, watching the smoke slowly fade out.

"It's because you don't fear yourself. You're treating your power as one with your body."

"Can we go again?" Thomas asked, unable to keep the smile off his face.

"The mannequin still has legs."

Thomas practically bounced on his feet, swirling his hands around so the smoke formed into some sort of ball. Thomas thrust his arms out in front of him, watching the ball fly into the legs of the mannequin and take them out completely.

Thomas cheered, pumping his arm in the air and grinning.

"I told you you'd get it eventually," the professor said, looking proudly at Thomas.

"Is this all I can do? Can I do more?"

X laughed, shaking his head. "You can always do more Thomas. You're more powerful than you think."

Thomas quickly closed his fists, watching the smoke fizzle out slowly. He felt good, every muscle in his body was pumping with adrenaline.

"That's enough for today," the professor declared as he opened the sliding doors. "Go get something to eat."

Thomas nodded as he followed him out. He didn't know he could feel this powerful. This good. Thomas headed straight to his room, where he stashed out a hidden drawer of food. He told himself it was in case he got hungry in the night, but he knew it was so he could avoid eating with Teresa.

Thomas sat down on his bed, pulling a wrapped sandwich out of his box and biting into it. He flopped backwards, staring at the ceiling as he chewed. He traced the paint patterns on the ceiling with his eyes as he thought about what changed. He thought about everything that had happened since he got to the school. He thought about how he was able to get at least a few hours of sleep a night. He thought about how he had actual friends and even a girlfriend. He thought about how he felt content unlike how he felt at the orphanages, there he just felt alone. He thought about how Newt spent the night and how he didn't kill him.

Thomas sat upright quickly, dropping the sandwich on the floor. Newt! After Thomas found out he could spend the night with someone and not kill them he was able to control himself more. He stop fearing himself because of Newt.

Thomas was sprinting out his door before he could even string together another thought. When he got to Newt's door he banged on it so hard his fist hurt.

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