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October 25th, 2001

     Teresa sighed as she pulled away from Thomas' kiss. "What's the matter?"

"What? Nothing is the matter," Thomas said as he wiped his mouth.

"You're not into this."

"Yes I am!" Thomas practically shouted, he didn't know if he was trying to convince himself or her.

Teresa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "We've been making out for about a half hour and you've yet to even put your hands on me."

Thomas was at a loss for words, he didn't touch her because well...he just didn't want to.

"I-I..." Thomas stammered. He couldn't look in her eyes.

"Do you not think I'm pretty?" Teresa asked, sounding more hurt than angry now.

"Yes! Wait! I mean no! You are very pretty."

Teresa frowned. "Then why don't you like me."

Thomas racked his brain for something, anything to say that wouldn't dig him in a deeper hole.

"I'm a virgin!" He blurted out, feeling his cheeks heat up right after the words passed his lips.

Teresa's eyes widened before she blinked a few times.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Thomas asked as he pulled his hands into his hoodie, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"I didn't expect that."

Thomas huffed and sat down hard on Teresa's bed. "You don't have to be weird about it."

Teresa sat next to him and put her hand on his leg. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad Tom. It's really okay, I was just shocked that's all."

He really wished she wouldn't talk to him like he was a baby.

"I'm only seventeen," Thomas said sounding helpless.

"Tom, there's nothing wrong with it."

Thomas stayed quiet. His parents left when he was so young, they never even explained how "it" worked to him. The kids in the orphanages really weren't interested in finding partners. The most Thomas knew about sex was from his right hand and drunken recalls of some of the kid's "wild nights" they had when they snuck out. Of course, the stories probably weren't the least bit true.

"Would you want to do stuff with me?" Teresa asked as she looked at him.

Thomas kinda felt sick.

"I'm sorry...I gotta...Professor X..." Thomas motioned to the door as he got up and bolted. He ignored Teresa calling after him and just keep moving until he ran straight into something, knocking him onto his back.

Thomas groaned and rubbed his head as he sat up. "Ouch."

Newt suddenly appeared. He had him hands on his knees and he was laughing. "Bloody hell Tommy. I forgot I was invisible sorry."

Thomas frowned and stood up, dusting himself off.

Newt looked at him for a second before cocking his head. "What's wrong? You usually yell at me when I do that. You actually look mad."

Thomas rolled his eyes, he wasn't in the mood for Newt's insults right now.

"Hey Tommy." Newt frowned. "Seriously, what's going on?"

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