Not meant to be
There was a girl who knew it all,
Born she was in the middle of fall,
No one ever knew her name but she.
She liked to take the hidden road
Go down the path and row the boat
No one knew her secrets but the trees.
She’d comb her hair, then mess with it
Her eyes shone like the candles lit
Her mouth always giving away her glee.
Her laughter echoed down the halls
Her fingernails scratched the walls
Yet no one ever heard her but he.
She wore a dress of golden thread
Her brilliant halo glowing red
Her wings fluttering like those of a bee.
She was different, he was not
Many a times, the two of them fought
But no one ever loved her like he.
Then came a prince, he sought her hand
Soon they were wed, with a marching band
No, never ever missed was she.
But then came the news of her untimely demise,
‘Twas unfair, said the old and wise
But no one ever mourned her like he.