Chapter 2

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I had trouble sleeping but that was usual for me, the nurses told me they couldn't give me medicine for the first couple of days so I could settle in more. It made sense but I was very tired the next morning, I'd been home schooled my most of my life because of my insomnia, so I started school later because I couldn't sleep until the early hours of the morning. I tried public school a few years ago but I was too worn out and I was bullied alot so I became home schooled again.

I got out of bed to the knocking on my door, placing my feet on the cold floor I walked over. The knocking continued until I opened it, Jeongin I believe his name was greeted me with a smile. "Raelyn, right?" He asked as his smile grew after I nodded my head meaning he got my name right. "Come on, you weren't at breakfast. You have to eat" he said to me slowly as he walked down the hall, me fresh on his trail. As he lead me to the dinning area, I noticed I went the completely wrong way yesterday. Sighing at my stupidity I spend up to catch up to Jeongin who looked back at me silently laughing.

As we went into the dining room I was greeted by 8 other boys one who I remember Felix, the boy from yesterday. He smiled at me as we locked eyes, his freckles on show I smiled back. Someone coughing broke out eye contact, a bow with grey and black hair caught my eye as he began to stand. "My name is Bangchan, if you can call me Chan. These here are my friends, we're a small group here in Whitehaven. I'd like to welcome you into this hospital with open arms" he said smiling a genuine smile at me, I count help but smile back.

Three of the boys got up and walked through a door and soon arrived with plates of food, good looking food at that. Jeongin led to to my seat which was next to him and the tallest boy names Hynjin, as we are everyone introduced themselves and why they were here. Felix was here for anger issues and bipolar yet Jisung was here for psychosis, mild psychosis. I also learnt that Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, Minho and Woojin could leave whenever they want because their treatment had already finished, some stayed some night others went home but they explained they didn't want to leave each other sewing they were all each other had.

The boys all shared an apartment which they saved up for before being put into Whitehaven, which was kind of sad but they weren't mad about it. They explained they needed it because of what they had done but didn't go into further detail. It couldn't of been that bad I kept telling myself, everyone does bad things. They seemed like nice people, well they do at the moment anyway. After eating we all walked around, Hyunjin said I had to get to know the place because none of us who are still here know how long we'll be here for. I was hoping it wouldn't be too long but with the new friends I made it wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be.

We walked outside to the grass area, alot of the other patients were afriad of the outdoors so there wasn't many people out here, it was a beautiful day. The grass was a gorgeous bright green and the flowers were blooming seeing it was mid spring, I smiled as we sat on the grass in a large circle. And started talking about our lives before we came here, I didn't notice how good I had it. The boys were either run aways or kicked out of their homes even Jeongin who looked around the same age as me. It was sad to come to the reality that the world sucks, I already thought it did but not as bad as I do now. "We don't want your pity" Jeongin said as he smiled at me, I smiled back but couldn't help feeling bad for my new friends and what they have been through.

I soon figured out Jeongin was the youngest of their group, 17. But there was something exciting about it, he was born on the same day, same year possibly even the same hour as me. Which he got really excited about, so did I. When Chan and jisung where talking about their old times as everyone listened I was thinking to myself that today was the most fun I've had in a long time, yet this is only the beginning.

Mental (Felix Lee/StrayKids FF) ✓Where stories live. Discover now