Chapter 4

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I felt pressure on my shoulder, before thinking I bolted upright and looked at my surroundings. Pain shot through my left ankle and right wrist before I could look the nurse let out a shocked scream then stared at me with concern in her eyes. "Hey sweetie are you doing okay?" She asked her voice laced in concern and possibly fear? I looked at her confused and nodded. "You may go down to the office the headmaster would like to speak with you" she said pulling the blankets off me. I smiled and stood up, with some pain at the start I walked downstairs and to the office. Getting a few stairs at people I walked past they looked at me with a mix of concern,fear,worry, simpathy and other emotions I couldn't detect. I was confused to say the least but I hoped the headmaster could tell me what the hell is happening.

As I sat down across the from the headmaster who I learner the name as David Miller or Mr Miller he spoke out to me "Raelyn if I'm being completely honest I don't know what happened to you" he stated, seeing the look of confusion on my face he continued. "When we entered your room we saw you on the floor with cuts like claw marks on your ankle and wrist but when we looked around your room we found nothing, even the cameras had shown no one but you was in the room when the incidence happened yet you didn't do it to yourself" he said concerned. What does he mean? What's happening to me? I looked at the time on his table and say it was almost 3pm, I slept for that long? "We don't know what to do besides give you some medicine and switch your rooms hoping nothing will happen next time, you will also be attending your counciling early starting tomorrow morning at 9 you will be expected to join the group therapy" he said to me which I nodded and headed out of the room as he handed me a form for my new room and my pills I have to take along with my schedule for my counciling.

Walking to my room I noticed it was on the first floor but as I navigated the hallways I noticed that I went this way on my first day when I got lost and ran into Jeongin and Felix my friends, do they know what happened to me? Do I even know what happened to me? I asked myself shaking off my thoughts as I opened the door to my room. This one was lavander rather than my old one which was blue. I put everything down on the table next to my bed, looking at my wrist as I did so noticing three large marks on my wrist, going diagonal across my wrist. They connected to each other and we're very large, remembering my ankle I looked down at that one too noticing the same thing. Sighing I ran my fingers through my blonde hair as I heard my stomach growl, I decided to head to the kitchen and grab an apple or see if I could eat whatever the chef's were making in there.

As I walked into the kitchen I even received the same looks as before, mostly pity. I decided to grab an apple and banana along with an orange from the fridge and head outside to the garden, Mr Miller said my stuff would be brought to my room along with my phone which I was craving seeing I haven't seen my only friends in a day, I didn't really know where they hung out seeing it was a big place and I only knew them for about two days. Sitting on the grass staring out at the lake I ate my food I brought with me, letting the sun set and the moon rise along with the stars. I sat there and stared out at the lake, the glistening water, clean and flowing beautifully. Even the flowers that had bloomed but now closed on the bank of the lake, the green grass and the smell of all the roses and flowers mixed together. This is my happy place I thought to myself but was quickly interrupted. I'm sorry for scaring you the voice spoke softly as the temperature around my dropped, the voice was so unfamiliar but familiar at the same time. I'm also sorry I hurt you, I thought you were trying to leave me it spoke again softly as if trying not to scare me again. The voice was softer than before almost comforting even after what had happened.

"Who are you?" I asked the same question I did the night prior but this time, they answered. My name is Rosalinda Park but you may call me Rose. She said as I nodded in agreement, she had a beautiful name that was sure. Raeyln? She asked almost unsure if she could speak, I hummed in response indicating for her to continue. This is more like a warning than a statement, don't take those pills. They'll mess you up, take it from me like look at me and what I did to you, I could of killed you but I didn't. She spoke lower this time almost like a whisper but there wasn't anyone else around. "Rose, why couldn't they see you on the security tape? Why were you yelling for me to help you? Why didn't they help?" I asked so many questions coming out of my mouth over and over again, I looked at her and even in this light I could see her pale skin, her light freckles, dark hair that fell in waves to her waist and even her gorgeous emerald eyes. She turned to look at me a sad smile placed on her lips before she spoke.

They couldn't help, they did this to me. I don't know how you're talking to me, no one in years could be able to see me, feel me or speak to me. Raeyln I'm dead, they killed me. This place killed me.

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