Final dance pt 3/3

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Colby's PoV

We both pulled away instantly sobering up.

I jump down of the counter and sprint out of that room the fastest I've ever ran.

I'd recognise that voice anywhere.


I run outside to see an image that will stay in my mind forever.

My best friend.

My only friend.

The only person in this world I care about lying dead on the floor in a pool of her own blood in the middle of the road.


I scream pushing past the crowd of people that had gathered.

Half of them where on the phone.

Either to their parents or to the police.

The other half of them had their phones out filming.

I push past them all and kneel at her side pulling her broadly close to mine trying to find a heart beat.

Trying to find any sign of life in her.

Any hope.

But there wasn't any.


I was to late.

I pull her cold limp body close to mine and cried into her.

"Don't leave me lills. Don't leave me now. Please. Your all I have left. Please. Please Lilly!"

I felt a light tug at my shoulder and I saw a police officer there.

"Excuse me sir but we need to take her."

He said trying to pull me off her.

But I wouldn't let go.

After a while if him struggling to get me off her his friend came and tried pulling me off her.

Eventually they pulled me off her by my arms.

I was screaming and kicking trying to get back to her.


They dropped me on the floor and she was taken away.

The crowed had scattered and I was left alone in the middle of a blood stained road.


I heard a soft voice say from behind me.

I recognise the voice and don't turn around or reply.

He sat next to me.

He wrapped one arm around my shoulders trying to calm me down.

I tried to hold it together but I lost it.

I sobbed my heart out clutching onto his top like it was all I had left.

And now he was.


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