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My first one shot book. I take request, so feel free to message me. ❤️
To my best friend
Hope you like it 😄

(Tae Pov)
"Yah, tae stop thinking about it so much! you two have been dating for 4 years now." I looked down in shame hyung is right I shouldn't think so much, but still what if she lost feeling for me? What if she says no?! What if-

"Taehyung don't worry everything's going to be ok." I sigh and sat down, you see I'm proposing To my girlfriend Kristina. She and I met at one of our concerts, she stood out the most out of the whole crowd of girls. I remember being nervous as jin hyung nudged me to talk to her. Until I finally had the courage to at least say hi.

The way she smiles brightens my day, her beautiful chocolate brown eyes I could stare at them all Day long. Sure we had our ups and downs due to me being a idol and leaving her alone at home, but she understands and supports me all the way.

Whenever I'm away I always think of her... almost everyday I call her to make sure she was ok. Also when we go on dates I always make sure she was by my side 24/7 I can't risk her being swept away by some guy. I love her to much to lose her.

"Tae it's Almost time are you ready?" Am I ready? "Yah, Tae are you listening!?" Jungkook picked up my chin his eyes stared into my mine until 5 seconds he let go and laughed. "Yah! What's so funny?!" I yelled at him as he kept on laughing.

"Your face is all red." I placed my hands on my cheek feeling a bit hot.

"Anyways namjoon hyung, and the others are waiting so hurry up." He said and walked out the door as I finally stood up and followed.

The others were outside all dressed up and ready. We were in a private beach, I called Kristina an hour ago to come over.

"You'll be fine Tae." I smiled to j-hope as he smiled back and made a little cute dance as the others laughed.

(Kristina's POV)
I was a bit nervous, as I looked at the mirror. My hair was loose and curled for today. I only added bit of make up. "Damn, I look good." I said to my self as I twirl around seeing my red dress that Tae-Tae gave to me on our anniversary.

I started putting on my heels and grabbed my keys heading to my car making sure I locked the house. Tae said he had something very important to tell me. It kinda worried me since he sounded a bit nervous.

It was now 8:40pm I was 20 minutes early which kinda shocked me a bit since I'm always in a rush.

I finally reached the private beach the lights were off except from the outside behind the beach house. I called jin and told him I was outside the front. He told me to wait, so I did and waited.

"Hey Kristina I'm glad you could make it, you look beautiful by the way." He said and gave me a hug which I gladly accepted.

"Hey Jin, and thank you, you look handsome yourself. I said as he smiles back. "Of course  I am! I am world wide handsome!" He said as I giggled. He grabs my hand and leads me to the back where everyone else was at.

"Tina! Your here!" Jimin came running and hugged me making me stumble a bit, but I managed to stay in place.

"Hey Jimin how are you?" I said laughing a bit as he lets go and smiles. "I'm good you look great by the way."

"Thank you chim chim."

I also saw namjoon, Jungkook, j-hope, and yoongi. They were all dressed up in a suit. I said my hellos as they all returned a smile.

"So, where's tae?" I asked as Jin and namjoon just smiled and pointed behind me.

"I'm right here love." I smiled hearing his beautiful voice, and I turned around facing him. His warm brown eyes full of love making me melt a bit. He was dressed in a dark blue suit. His brown hair neatly done. Everything about him made me love him even more.

"You look beautiful as always my love." I smiled and giggled. "You look very handsome yourself love." I teased as he blushes.

(Taehyung POV)
The more she kept starting the more nervous I get. She was stunningly beautiful. Her giggles are to cute one of the things I love about her.

I love her even more and today was the day to officially claim her as mine.

"Come with me my love." I said taking her hand gently as she blushes and smiles. We took a walk on the beach we watched the moon and the stars. I looked to Kristina as she stopped to look at them. The way her eyes sparkle looking at the stars, the way the moon shines down making her look like a goddess.

"Kristina there's something I have to tell you." I said gripping at the small box behind me. She turned to face me with a soft smile on her beautiful face.

"What is it taetae?"

I took a deep breath and looked at her eyes. I gather enough courage to finally tell her how I truly feel.

"Kristina, ever since I met you, I was a nervous wreck the way you smile makes my heart beat fast. I love you so much that words can't even describe how I feel right now. I know I act all childish but i do it for a reason. It makes me beyond happy to see you happy knowing that I'm the reason behind that beautiful smile. I love being a idol but I also know how hard it is for us to be together. Even though we had our ups and downs I never stopped loving you. Your the reason why I keep pushing myself to do great things. Your my inspiration, without you I'm nothing believe it or not. I'm glad that I met you my love. What I'm trying to say is..."

(Kristina's POV)
No way... I was in tears as I see Taehyung in one knee. A black box held in his two hands as he opens it revealing a beautiful diamond ring. My hands covered my mouth, I couldn't believe this. The man I love was proposing to me.

"Will you marry me Kristina?"

The other guys came each of them holding a red rose. I couldn't stop my tears.

"Yes tae a million times yes!"

He immediately got up and hugged me as I hugged back my tears still not stopping. This was the happiest day of my life.

The others cheered and clapped as tae placed the ring in my left hand. I looked at it and faced tae as he showed his famous box smile the I adore.

"Your finally mine..."

He whispered and came close kissing me as I kissed back.

Tae is the love of my life and now that we're getting married I knew I would never let go of him. He is mine as I am his.

Future Kristina Kim...

Hope you like it best friend. 😄
Also as I said before I take request.
Bye ❤️

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