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So I'm doing a jimin x reader x Jin
I know I have two other books not yet finished but i need to get this idea out of my head. It's driving me crazy 😝.

"Yah, kookie have you seen jin?" You asked the golden maknae as he looks at you shrugging his shoulder.

"I think I saw him with Namjoon in the kitchen." He responded as he points towards the kitchen.

"Thank you kookie." You said waving at him with a smile as you skipped to the kitchen in search of your boyfriend.

"Oppa are you here?" You asked looking inside the kitchen hearing two voices inside.

"I'll think about it for now I'll just have to wait..." you hear Jin's concern voice and started wondering what was happening.

"Alright then it's your call." Namjoon said as he walked out of the kitchen and spotted you. He gave you a soft smile.

"Hey (n/n), Jin is in there if your looking for him." He said as you nodded with a smile.

"Thank you joonie." You sad as he nods leaving.

"Oppa." You softly called to your boyfriend as he turns to look at you with a smile.

He turns to face you with a smile. "Jagi!" He says as he opened his arms for you which you gladly ran to him as he wraps you into a warm hug.

You always felt very secured in his arms. Whenever you had a problem you tried your best to hide it but jin sees right through you.

Sure he was a idol and had to travel also that some army's did not support you with Jin, But that didn't stop you two. The love you two had was to much. 9 years together and still stronger than ever.

"Wanna help me make cookies?" He asked as you giggle nodding.

"Sure, oppa!" You said as he couldn't help but smile of how cute you looked. He couldn't get enough of you.

Soon the two of you started making cookies until Taehyung came in running chasing Jungkook.

"Guys be care-" you were cut off as they both bumped into you. All the flour spilled all over you.

"S-sorry Noona." Jungkook said as he and Taehyung bowed. You couldn't help but laugh as you grabbed some left over flour and though it back. Revenge is sweet.

The two giggled soon you three started a war. Jin couldn't help but laugh seeing you three having fun soon you aimed towards Jin as he dodges quickly.

"Missed me jagi!" He said as you giggled pointing at Taehyung as he was behind Jin with a hand full of flour.

"Surprise hyung!" He yelled as Jin was now full of flour form his pink hair. You and jungkook laughed so much.

15 minutes of fun you and Jin started cleaning up as Taehyung, and jungkook helped the two of you.

The cookies were done you two gathered the others to enjoy them.

"Wow these are some amazing cookies (n/n)." J-hope said as he took a bite of the cookie. You smiled and thanked him.

"Thanks hobi." You smiles as Jin hugs you close. You giggled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you jagi~" He cooed as you giggled. The rest of the Bts couldn't help but smile seeing you two together. They supported the two of you even though you guys did have some difficulty's.

This day was going amazing until you noticed Jin acting a bit weird Which got you worried.

The two of you were outside near a park the sun was setting. A perfect view in front of you can this get any better?

"Oppa is something wrong?" You asked as Jin looks down at you with a soft smile.

"I'm fine jagi." He replies with a nervous voice as you frown and held his hand telling him that you were here for him no matter what.

"Oppa." You said as he sighs in defeat.

"You know I love you right?" He said as you nodded making you a bit nervous.

"Of course I love oppa." You replies kissing him softly as he kisses back. You pulled away looking into his eyes which are filled of love. The love he had for you...

"I love you too (Y/n)." He whispered as you softly smile.

"I love you so much that I've been thinking..." he said with a smile making you a bit confused.

"Thinking of what oppa?" You asked as he smiles softly getting into one knee making you gasp in surprise.

"O-oppa..." you softly whispered trying not to cry as he takes out a velvet box.

"(Y/n), since the day I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. My jagi, my girlfriend, my future wife. You were always there for me to cheer me up. Even though we had our ups and downs we would always find a solution together. I love you so much, I can't bare to loose you to anyone. I want to officially make you my wife...
(Y/n) will you do me the honors of becoming my wife."

Tears streamed down your face as you smiled nodding.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you oppa!" You yelled as he gets up wrapping you in his arms. The ring now placed in your finger.

Jin kisses you passionately as you kissed back. This day turned out amazing for the two of you.

You were beyond happy to finally be with jin as his wife.


"Take the picture!" Yelled jimin as Taehyung took pictures of the two of you.

"Yah you two lets go leave them some space!" Yelled suga as jimin and Taehyung whined leaving.

"He finally had the guts huh." J-hope said as Namjoon nodded with a smile.

"About time." Suga said as he smiles looking at two of you hugging watching the sunset.

"We should get going there probably be back till later." Said Namjoon as the two nodded leaving.

Yep the two of you were now happy soon to be husband and wife.

Sorry for being late 😅
Also I posted a new story called jimin x reader x Jin hope you guys like it!
Also I still do take request!
That's about it for now.
Until then my readers~


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