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Sorry for updating late 😅
A request from my partner!



J-hope ❤️: jagi! Are you ok?! 😥

Kitten 💖: I'm fine oppa. 😅

J-hope 💍: I heard you got sick during practice! Why didn't you tell me you were sick?!

Kitten 💍: I didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry hobi...

J-hope ❤️: it's alright kitten just please tell me next time.

Kitten 💍: ok hobi 😊.

J-hope ❤️: babygirl do you mind opening the front door please.

Princess 💍: ¿ok?

(Kitty pov)

I reached the front door and there stood j-hope holding a bouquet of roses and a bag full of snacks. "J-hope!" I gasped as he smiles brightly. "Hey there babygirl." I soon hugged him as he hugs back soon we parted from each other as he hands me the roses. "Thank you, oppa there very beautiful." I said placing them on a vase admiring them until a cough interrupted the moment. Damn it.

"Jagi did you take your medicine?!" He panicked coming in and making me sit on the couch as I calm down. "No, I just got back from work." I confess as he sighs and looks through the bag taking out some medicine. "Here jagi." I thanked him and too the medicine.

"Thank you hobi." I said as he soon cuddles me. "Anything for my kitten." He responds back making me blush. "J-hope you do realize that I can get you sick right?" I said as he tightens his grip not caring. "It's been forever since we cuddled!" He whines making me giggle.

"You were here two days ago remember?" He sighs resting his head on my shoulder. "To long." He pouts. He soon kisses my cheek multiple times. I knew exactly what he wanted but sadly I was sick.

"J-hope I'm sick." I said as he continues to peck my cheek close to my lips. "Kitty~" he whines as I sigh giving in.

"If you get sick don't blame me." I said as he smiles happily. He soon places his lips to mine. His lips so soft and irresistible. Moving perfectly in sync. A couple seconds later I pulled back making him groan.

"Jagi~" he whines placing me in his lap. "Hobi I already told you, I don't want you getting sick cause of me." Of course he didn't listen and continued kissing me.

I warned him.

(5 hours later)

"How are you feeling kitten?" He asked cuddling me in bed making me smile cuddling closer to his chest. "I'm feeling better thanks to you." I said back as he kisses my forehead.

"Sleep tight  babygirl." He whispers as I soon closed my eyes and slept.


I soon woke up seeing j-hope sound asleep. I smiled and kissed his cheek making him groan pulling me closer.

"J-hope it's already 6:30 you have practice with the guys at 7:15." I said trying to wake him up sadly he didn't budge.

I sigh and tried getting up.

Keyword: tried

Finally I was free I left downstairs and decided to make breakfast. As I was about to set the table I felt to pair of arms wrapped around my waist bringing me close to a hard chest. I giggled knowing that it was j-hope.

"Morning hobi." I said kissing him in the cheek as he nuzzles his face to my neck making me giggle. "Morning kitten." His morning voice sounding so hot.

We ate our breakfast as soon as it hit 6:50
j-hope was now dressed but he looked a bit off.

"J-hope are you ok?" I asked as he starts to cough. "Hobi?" He looks at me his face was burning up. "Kitten~" He whispers I shook my head and grabbed him doing my best to take him upstairs and lay him on the bed.

I called in jin and told him that j-hope won't be able to attend todays practice dew to his sickness. Jin understood and said that him and the rest will come by later on.

"Jagi~ cuddle me~" he coughs as I sigh. "I warned you didn't I?" He pouts as I giggle.

"Don't worry oppa I'll take care of you." I said and was soon grabbed by him as he cuddles me to his chest. "J-hope." I whisper as he smiles.

"Thank you for being there for me I'm glad your mine." He says and as I smile. "I just want what's best for you hobi." I respond back as he smiles and soon coughs.

"Let me just grab the  medicine." I said as he nods. I soon bring in the medicine giving him as he takes it.

"Feel better hobi." I said as he nods bringing up his arms up signaling me to join him as I giggle.

"I love you kitten."

"I love you too j-hope."


Hope you like it partner!  😄

Yes I still take request.

Thank you!


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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