Chapter 4: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures.

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"What the fuck dude?"

"I'm moving out." Nolan stated, despite his roommate, and best friend's incredulous pleas. "I can't handle living with you. I'm fed up with all the noise and your gross habits."

"What do you mean, "gross"? I clean!" Nolan sighed and then pointed out the various dishes and clothes (a suprising amount belonging to some girl...) around the apartment.

"I can't relax any more in this place, and I sure as hell can't study! I could get benched- or worse, if I don't bring my grades up!"

"Whatever man..." Liam sighed in defeat. He then looked up, ackknowledging there was nothing he could do to change his mind. "I guess It's been real buddy." He slapped Nolan's back, and they bro-hugged.

"Dude, we can still hang, but you're honestly disgusting," Nolan laughed. "I'll still come over for your sick gaming station though!" And pizza Fridays..! He thought to himself.

The following week he scowered the campus columns for any ads searching for a roommate. Liam had at least dialed back on the noise (the meaningless sex being the main culprit of course...) But Nolan found himself growing desperate. This late into the semester, practically no one was looking, and those who were, were just more obnoxious freshman and sophomores. But it looked like his luck was about to change. He found an ad posted four hours earlier around 8pm reading:

Non-sociopath Roomate wanted!
Must be responsible, roughly quiet, and clean.
Required to pay half of everything
Do half of chores
Be a decent person
And sign a House Rule agreement form.

What the hell is a house rule agreement form..? He wondered.

The ad then proceeded to list the general location of the apartment along with a description and image with a scratched out address. Followed by a description of the person who posted the ad and their contact information.

Sam huh? The dude kinda sounds like a nerd... Maybe they can help me study. He thought. He rechecked the contact information. Who still uses email..? None the less he pulled out his laptop and drafted a letter.

Hey Sam,
Saw your ad and gotta say you sound exactly what i'm looking for. I've been needing to get away from a noisy roommate so i can study. i'm down for paying half rent, cleaning up, and signing whatever form you have. Give me a place to meet and we can go over any other details.


P.s Hope we can be buds 😁😉

Good enough. Nolan thought as he hit send. He had to admit though, he felt pretty proud of himself, despite missing his punctuation errors, and misspelling his own name...

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