Chapter 5: Why You?!?!

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Sam woke up around 7am the next morning. Everyone else ended up spending the night and were still passed out around her apartment, like a rager gone wrong. One by one she slid her feet into slippers and made her way into the kitchen, where she began brewing coffee. As the water started to bubble she pulled out her laptop and searched for any notifications. I know it's too soon for anything to have happened, but there's no harm in looking... And as if on cue to prove her internal monologuing wrong, a ding! Sounded from her laptop. Sam's eyes widened with surprise as she clicked on the email that had been sent around midnight.
She rapidly read through it. Nola, huh? I guess she sounds alright. Her grammar needs work though. Who doesn't capitalize their I's?? But I guess that's what she means when she says she needs someone like me... Just another nerd willing to do a preppy girl's homework... No, no, don't think like that! I haven't even met the poor girl yet, give her a chance! She let out a long sigh, cracked her knuckles and began drafting a response email.

Dear Nola,

No too formal...

Sup Nola dog!!

Ew!! Waaay too casual! Who even talks like that?

Hi, Nola

Sam, you did it again, you literary genius!

How about we meet for coffee at Stauf's around noon to discuss our living situation? Does that work for you?


Aaand send! Perfect! Now I just have to live through the tipical anxiety fueled dread about meeting a new human being! Fuck!

She got up to poor herself a cup of coffee when Ronnie entered the room.

"Mornnmg" She mumbled through a yawn. "Ah you made coffee, bless your nerdy heart." She poured herself a cup, then walked to the table to kiss Sam on the cheek before slumping into a chair beside her.

"You never were a morning person.." Sam murmured, not looking up from her new digital task. Ronnie just shook her head in response. "I got a response to the ad by the way." She decided to pull her email back up.

Ronnie choked.

"Jesus! are you okay??" Sam bit back a laugh as she slapped Ronnie's back.

"Ugh. Yeah..." When she got her breath back she continued with a look of surprise, "Someone actually wrote back that fast??"

"Mhmm." Sam sipped her coffee.

"Well?? Who is the person??"

"She said her name was Nola. She's probably some girl who got kicked off the cheer squad for not having high enough grades."

"Wow judgemental much?" Ronnie snorted

"What am I supposed to think when she tells me "you sound exactly what I'm looking for. I've been needing to get away from a noisy roommate so I can study."?" Sam asked incredulously.

"That she needs to get away from a noisy roommate so she can study...??" Ronnie sarcastically bantered. "And look! She even said she hopes you two can be "best buds"." She used finger quotes.

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