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When the doctor was done checking him over he was rushed to the hospital, he had a fractured rib and needed stitches. He didn't understand anything else the doctors were saying so he stayed quiet. When they were stitching his back and side up he tried holding in his pained expressions until they bandaged them, then he let a groan out followed by some wincing. 

"After you're bandaged up you'll need to tell me how to get you home... We've contacted the police over in Japan, they've booked the flight for you, also notifying your brothers, sister, and parents. Alright? You're going home tomorrow..." Sora nodded with a small smile on his lips and he laid on his non-injured side listening to the policeman talk to him. When he was left to his room by himself he quickly fell asleep, only waking up when he heard whispers hours later. His eyes opened slowly as he looked out his half-lidded eyes he saw the doctors holding a duffle bag. They were speaking Russian.

"Hello..?" Sora said slowly while he sat up, one of the doctors looked over

"You speak English?" He asked with a heavy Russian accent, Sora nodded.

"Fluently... Is that my bag...?" He nodded and handed it to him.

"You're flight will be here in about an hour..." Sora once again nodded.

"Thank you..." The doctor left soon after that Sora got up and made his way to the main gate, sighing himself out in the discharge he left the hospital, wanting to get home soon.

He missed his family. He missed Japan, He missed his brothers and sister... But most importantly he missed not being treated like a pet...

The policeman from yesterday was waiting for him outside, he slid into the back and buckled in. No conversation was made as they pulled to a stop outside the airport, Sora thanked him once again and got out, stretching his legs slightly he slowly made his way into the big building. Before he got out of the car he slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket and left it on the seat, it had all the names of the people that had 'owned' him. He smiled to himself as he checked into his flight and made his way to the entrance of the plane. The flight attendant got him seated shortly after an older couple that was in front of him, he slid into his seat that was next to an elderly couple. The woman looked over and smiled.

"Hello, do by any chance speak Japanese..?" Her voice was low as she smiled at him, Sora looked over and gave a slight nod.

"Yes, I do, how can I help you, Ma'am?"

"Could you point me in the direction of the bathroom?" Sora stood up and held his arm to her.

"Of course..." She smiled and took his arm in hers, he walked her down the aisles of seats to the small bathroom in the back.

"I'll walk you back to your seat, alright Ma'am?" She nodded and quickly went into the restroom, only a moment later coming out and drying her hands, he talked to her softly as they made their way back to the seats near the front.

"You look far too young to be flying by yourself"

"Ah, I'm seventeen miss, I'm on my way back to Toyko then to Bunkyo," The older man had fallen asleep soon after takeoff, leaving his wife to talk to the boy.

"Ah, we're on our way to Bunkyo too, our grandson who was missing previously was found..." She smiled sadly as she looked at a picture of a boy that was in her hands. It was a smiling boy in an over-sized blue sweatshirt, his eyes almost a teal color, with messy brown hair.

 It was a smiling boy in an over-sized blue sweatshirt, his eyes almost a teal color, with messy brown hair

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"Does he have a twin...?" The woman nodded before looking over at him, taking a long look at him.

"Sora... Fuji Sora..?" He nodded with a slight smile.

"Yea..." She teared up as she leaned over the seat and hugged him tightly, his winced slightly and wrapped an arm around her, the pain finally starting to settle in from the stitches.

"It's good to see you're okay Mago..." (Grandson)

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