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As Sora grabbed the cup, still writing, he ignored the foul smell that the cup had and the odd discolored loom to it as he sipped it softly, the liquid trickled down his throat as he hummed.

"Not bad..." He continued sipping on it until class was over where he downed the rest of the cup and threw it away in the trash.

"Ah, thank you Inui, I needed a drink..." Syusuke smiled happily as he walked with the group that was walking behind his brother. 

"Look like two can take your odd drinks now Inui~" He smiled while catching up to his brother who was sending a glare at his schedule.

"Why the hell is this so confusing..." Sora muttered while looking in the classrooms. Syusuke chuckled softly and took the schedule.

"You just solved a complicated math equation in under a minute and you think finding your class is complicated~?" Sora huffed slightly as he looked off to the side.

"In Russian the schedule was simple... You stayed in the same damn room until the end of the day, unless you had lunch." He explained while stuffing his hands into his pockets, the four had made their way down to the lunchroom as they talked.


Sorry, it's a bit short...

I'm having trouble writing today...


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