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As Sora laid his head on Kunimitsu's shoulder it was silent in the room. Sora hummed softly before looking up at his friend with a small smile.

"Thank you, Kunimitsu..." Tezuka looked at him with slight confusion before Sora smiled, happier than before, at the boy. Tezuka smiled back and nodded slightly. They sat in a comforting silence for a bit until Kunimitsu was called home.


It had been a few days when Sora got the 'okay' to go back to school and participate in tennis. Sora and Syusuke were talking quietly as they walked to school for their morning practice. When they got to the school gates they headed to the tennis courts, still talking happily to one another. Sora pulled open the door for Syusuke to the changing rooms and stepped in after him. They quickly stripped their shirts and changed into a t-shirt and jersey, then changed into shorts.

They were still talking about random things when they left the changing rooms and got onto the courts, the second-years looked at the two with slightly confused faces, while the regulars watched closely. Sora smiled at something Syusuke said, his eyes closed as he chuckled and smiled. The team had then noticed the two looked identical when making the same face. Though the Fuji twins looked very similar normally, even if they had separate personalities.


As the day neared an end Sora walked down the hallways, ignoring the stares, he ignored the whispers of concern and kept on going. When he made it outside he made his way to the tennis courts, quickly changing before anyone else was there and he waited, leaning against the fence that separated him from the school. Tezuka was the next to show up, surprisingly by himself, he changed and made his way over to Sora.

"Hey..." Sora greeted with a smile, Tezuka smiled slightly and nodded to him.

"Hey... How was your day..?" Sora shrugged and looked over at him.

"Fine... And yours?" 

"Good," Sora nodded again and started stretching, loosening up with muscles. 

Around ten minutes passed when everyone finally showed up for practice, changed and ready to start. Tezuka started barking out orders for the non-regulars while the coach moved the regulars along. The group of boys was soon jogging, Sora smiled softly as his hair moved with the wind blowing against his face as he ran. Syusuke smiled and took hold of his hand, they picked up the pace and taunted the others into going faster. Momo and Kaidoh fell for the bait and went faster, going against each other as they yelled out insults.

Sora cracked a laugh as he stopped next to Inui, letting go of Syusuke's hand

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