Chapter 5: Calling For Help

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"So who are you calling again?" Plagg asked Ladybug with her yo-yo held in front of her. Ladybug was pacing back and forth. Plagg followed her.

"Someone I never...EVER...thought I would ask for help from." Ladybug said with slight regret. The yo-yo was on speaker. The dial tone rang. A voice was heard.

"What do you want?" Chloe Bourgeois answered the phone. Ladybug rolled her eyes at the way she answered the phone. She took a deep breath, regretting what she was doing. She couldn't believe she was calling the one person that bullies her constantly.

"Chloe. It's Ladybug. I…"Ladybug gritted her teeth. "...need your help."

"Ladybug!? Asking me for help?!...well, of course, why wouldn't you? We're talking about me here. Where are you? You're taking long enough to get here you know." Chloe complained. Ladybug groaned at her nagging. Even when Paris is in danger, she still acts super selfish!Ladybug decided to put her thoughts towards Chloe aside and focus on the real problem; Paris and Adrien. She spoke again.

"Listen, your family owns other estates and hotels around France, right?" Ladybug asked her as she paced back and forth.

"Yeah, why?"

"Do any of them by chance happen to be near Varengeville-sur-Mer?" Ladybug asked her. Plagg watched her walking around, confused at what she was doing.

"I don't see where you're going with this at all." Plagg said to her. Ladybug shushed him. She wondered how Adrien dealt with Plagg all the time.

"Yeah. It's a 5-star hotel too with its own small airport. We have our own high-speed jet, the very best for the Bourgeoises. I honestly don't see where you're going with this though." Chloe told her. Ladybug grew a confident grin on her face. Finally, a light of hope came around for her.

"That's what I said!" Plagg exclaimed. Ladybug shushed him even louder than before. Would he be quiet?!

"Who's that? Is that Cat Noir? HI CAT NOIR! COME SAVE ME!" Chloe exclaimed. Ladybug covered the yo-yo with her hand. She glared at Plagg.

"Do you want yourself to be discovered?" Ladybug asked him in annoyance. Plagg shrugged his shoulders.

"Listen, I'm just trying to understand what's going on. Plus, I still didn't get any camembert." Plagg said, floating with his arms crossed. Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"You'll get some later. I promise." Ladybug told him before taking her hand off of the yo-yo. "Chloe, I need to borrow your jet."

"Hmmm…" Chloe thought for a minute. Ladybug waited there, anxious whether she would say yes or no. "This would be the first time someone other than a Bourgeois has ever been in the jet…" Chloe said to herself, hesitant. Ladybug started grinding her teeth again.

"CHLOE!" Ladybug exclaimed. She couldn't take Chloe's stuck up personality during a time like this. Adrien and all of Paris was in trouble and Chloe was only thinking about herself.

"Fiiiine. Keep it in one piece though. I need it for my slumber party next week. Where are you exactly?" Chloe asked her. Ladybug couldn't take it anymore.

"Varengeville-sur-Mer. I'll send a signal so that the pilot can track my position. Now hurry Chloe! There's no time to waste!" Ladybug said.

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