Chapter 7: Running on Luck

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"Ladybug?" Gabin called over the intercom of the jet.

"I'm all ears, Gabin." Ladybug responded.

"We've arrived at our destination. I'm landing outside of the city so you are out of harm's way for the time being. Get ready." Gabin warned her. She stood up, walking over to a parachute pack nearby the door. She picked it up, put it on her back, and grabbed the plane door handle. She opened the door, revealing nothing but open air. She felt the strong winds blow against her, making her hold on to the plane to keep balance. She looked down and saw a starlit field filled with hay. Taking a deep breath, she prepared to jump out of the plane, when, Gabin's voice called out to her.

"Good luck, Ladybug! Godspeed!"

"Thank you, sir!" She said. She turned her head in the opposite direction, seeing Timothe standing there.

"Thank you Ladybug...for everything you've done and have been doing." Timothe said to her with a smile.

"Don't mention it." She replied before jumping out of the plane. The wind screamed into Ladybug's ears as she fell. It was hard to breathe because the wind was whipping at her face. Soon, she realized she was close to the ground. She took the string from her parachute and pulled it. Wheezing as the straps of her chute tugged at her violently as the parachute deployed, she descended safely to the ground. (need more description, smooth jazz landing)

(parachutes like to entangle people, get her outta there XD). As her feet touched the hay, the parachute landed on top of her. She spazzed out, trying to get herself out of the chute.

"Where is the end of this thing?!" Ladybug exclaimed, frantically trying to escape the chute. Struggling against the heavy sail, she finally reached the edge of the chute. Once she was free, she unbuckled the straps of her harness. Suddenly, she heard the sounds of screaming. She turned her head to see a city filled with smoke and bright light. The sky grew orange as if fires were taking over the city. She gasped.

"Please don't tell me that's the city." Ladybug said, staring ahead at the once happy-go-lucky city she called home." Plagg came out from her hair.

"'s not the city." Plagg told her. Ladybug looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged.

"What? You told me not to tell you." Plagg told her. Ladybug sighed. She grabbed the yo-yo in her hand.

"Get ready. I'm not going to slow down for anything." Ladybug said. Plagg climbed inside of her hair, preparing himself for the ride.

Unable to find a good launching point in the darkness, Ladybug haphazardly threw her yo-yo, sighing in relief as she felt the string jerk tight. She soared through the air, throwing her yo-yo at each tree that came close by. She could feel the wind push against her whole body, making her swing with even more strength. She squinted her eyes, trying to see as the wind blew against her face.

Hawkmoth sensed a great deal of determination within someone nearby. He could only guess who that someone was. He smirked.

"Ahh, the spotted hero finally approaches." He said. He tried to sense Cat Noir's emotion. However, he couldn't sense anyone other than Ladybug. He realized that she was alone. "Strange...Cat Noir should be with her. Where is he?" Hawkmoth was confused. He expected him to be right beside Ladybug as always. He decided to use that to his advantage. "No matter, this might be a benefit to our side." He grinned. "Couverture, Ladybug is approaching."

"Really? Finally, the one person I've been so looking forward to tearing apart." Couverture said as he looked out a window nearby the Mayor's desk, taking in the destruction and chaos that he had successfully created. He enjoyed hearing the townspeople's high pitched screams and smoke coming from the windows of THE buildings around him. He watched as the citizens ran around, in a constant state of insanity. "Now, are you going to tell me that favor of yours or are you going to continue to keep me guessing what it is you want." He asked. Hawkmoth thought carefully. Since Ladybug was alone, he thought that it would be easier to take her miraculous now then when Cat Noir showed up; that is if he did show up at all.

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