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Fuck people who judge you. Fuck people who decide to bring you down when you're already at your lowest points. Fuck the ones who said they'd never leave your side. Fuck every person who broke your heart. Fuck the people who made you cry. Fuck the ones who are nice to your face and the second they leave you all they do is trash you. Fuck the ones who break girl code. Fuck the ones who all they want to to do is fuck. All people do is fake nice because they know everyone is watching every move and deciding who they are before they even know them. It's a shitty thing to do when you don't give the person the slightest chance. If you have done me wrong don't expect to come back in my life. I handout too many second chances just to be treated like shit over and over. Once you're gone, you're gone. I'm gonna do me regardless of who is watching. Regardless of who breaks me into pieces. Regardless of the bitches who faked our friendship. Regardless of the boys I cry over every night. I will always be me. So take me as who I am, or watch me as I go.

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