The Zodiacs {12}

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<Venus POV>

"Sweetheart, are you sure you want to do this?" Dad asked me. I set my face in a stony resolve.

"Yes, dad, I have to, my children, have to meet him." I said.

"Do you even know where Olympus is?" he asked.

"Its in Athens, in the Temle of Zeus." I didn't know how I knew that, just that it was.

"Alright, I will get you there, we will go and you can pack, for you and the twins. I will miss you but you need to do this I know." he smiled

"Thanks daddy. I love you."

"Love you too my lil Goddess." He said hugging me.

I was discharged and at home in less than 20 mins. While dad called the airline, I shoved clothes into a bag for me.Then got all the things the twins would need. Nappies, bottles, clothes, spare clothes, and everything else. We ended up with one tiny backpack for me and 2 massive suitcases for them.

"Your flight leaves at midnight so get your ass to the airport," dad said sticking his head around the door. I ran down the stairs, and threw the bags into the boot of the car. When Scorpio had....died, his father had got all of his stuff but he decided to give me the car. As a gift. Dad brought the children, to the car and kissed them both goodbye. Then he turned to me.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to do this..." he began, but I cut him off.

"Dad, yes I do. I will miss you but I will be back. I promise." I gave him a small smile and a hug, then I drove off towards the airport.

In less than 2 hours I was on the plane, heading towards Scorpio. I was more excited than a child at christmas. As I settled down for the 4 hour flight to Athens, the children on my knee, I saw the man across the aisle give me a glare. I was getting beyond sick of it.

"What?!" I demanded.

"How old are you Miss?" He asked not even having the decency to look sheepish.

"Not that it's any of your buisness but I am 17." I had my birthday while pregnant, but hadn't felt much like celebrating, so me and the Twins had sat around watching movies.

"And you have children?"

"Yes I do. And before you ask, yes I do know who the father is, we were in a stable relationship, and we were even engaged, until he was killed in a hit and run!" After that he finally looked sheepish, mummbled an apology and turned away. Ass. No Venus don't think about that, I told myself. So I didn't I thought about Scorpio and how I would soon be able to see him, and introduce him to our children. With those happy thoughts in my head and my children in my arms, I drifted off.

"Miss.....Miss........excuse me Miss??" I was being gently shook by a concerned airhostess.

"Huh...what??" I croaked. Hey, I was groggy.

"Miss, we've landed, you have to get off."

"Oh, ok!" I replied, attempting to juggled the kids and my hand lugage. In the end the airhostess took pity on me and had someone come and carry my bags all the way to taxi rank.

"Where too love?" The taxi driver asked.

"The... Olympus Hotel." I said reading off the paper Dad gave me. Oh clever dad, very clever. With that we sped off. We got to the Olympus Hotel and it was very fancy. Not a childrens hotel. We went up to reception and received a very snotty look from the receptionist. God, 2 in one day.

"Miss, I think you must be lost, the bed and breakfast is down the street." Geez she was really pushing her luck.

"Oh I know. I have a reservation. Under the name..." and checked my paper, "Venus Harlily," God dad was seriously taking the mickey. But with the mention of my almost name, she straightened up more, and started spouting more apologetic nonsense.

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