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Casper ^ his Instagram is @/maximelancholia
I run to the bathroom, razor in my pocket, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Why do I have to be this way?! Why do I have to be such a freak?! Why why why why why?

I run into a stall, sink down to my knees, and pull out my razor. I pull my sleeve up and the tears start to flow, I bring the blade to my wrist and watch as the beautiful crimson liquid spill from my arm.

Freak. One
Psychopath. Two
Fag. Three
Waste of space. Four
And finally, disappointment. Five. The deepest of them all.

Damn, I wish that Marley was here.

I let myself relax and close my eyes, I sit there for about five minutes, then get up to wash off. I rinse my arms under the cold water and love the stinging feeling. I pull my sleeves down, grab my bag, and head to my first class, history.

I keep my head down the whole way to class, I still hear everybody whispering things as I walk past, but I try to just ignore it. I walk into class and am the first one there. What else is new? I lay my head on my desk and wait for the class to start.

Finally, the bell rings and the last few kids enter the class. Mr. Malic tells us that we will be learning about the history of the oldest buildings in town, I pretty much already know all of this, I mean, I do talk to the ghosts that are in those buildings basically every day. They're pretty nice, I hear stories of how they died, of what they did when they were alive, all sorts of stuff. But there is one house that I never go to, no one does. It's an old abandoned house that hasn't had people in it for over a decade. People have done satanic rituals, summonings, etc. I've gone in there once, I felt like I was going to die, it started with a heaviness on my chest, then it got hard to breathe an I could see black figures in every corner, I started hearing whispering that soon turned too screaming as the darkness started to blanket over me. I fell to the ground and screamed, screamed for probably five minutes, telling it to leave me alone, to let me leave. It finally let up and I ran, I ran as far as my legs would carry me.

I've never gone back.

"Mr. Demiel, would you like to tell the class what's so important that you won't pay attention to the lesson?"

"No sir, sorry, I'll pay attention."

"Okay but next time I see you drift off to space, you'll be telling the class exactly what's going through your mind."

"Yes, sir."

After that, the class goes by without any more issues and the bell finally rings.

The next three classes go by the same, me spacing out, my teachers getting mad about it, and then me paying attention. I've managed to avoid Ace and his goons all day, but now it's lunchtime. The worst time of the day.

Not only do I have to worry about Ace, but I also have a really hard time with food. I don't like eating, I know that food is just a way to make fat and calories look good. I don't want to die like my dad did, I don't want to die of heart disease or high cholesterol. I want to be healthy, and thin. But I have to get food.

I start my way to the cafeteria and on my way get tripped, I look up to see the one and only Ace.

He picks me up by my collar and pushes me against the wall, "I didn't get to finish what I had planned this morning, " Ace said, "so now, I guess we should finish what was started."

He punches me in the gut, I try to block it but fail and get a hard blow to the side of my head. It's so hard that I see stars for a second. He shoves me to the ground and kicks me in the ribs five or six times, at this point I didn't even try to fight it, I mean, I'm used to it, it happens at home, it happens at school, I guess I kinda deserve it though.

After a few more blows he finally leaves me alone, I get up and start walking to the cafeteria again. I get my tray of food because I have too, and then go throw it away. I'm fasting. I buy a water bottle and go sit outside.

As I sit down I feel like someone watching me, I look around and see a girl watching me, she has a noose around her neck, and chains connecting her arms. I wave her over and she looks at me surprised, I don't think she knew that I saw her, she makes her way over and I ask what her name is, "My names Alisa."

"My name's Casper, do you need anything?"

"Well I just need someone to hear my story."

"Well I'm here to listen, go ahead."

" I was kidnapped, I got drugged and held hostage, they chained my wrists and forced me to starve. Once I was severely underweight they took advantage of me, then hung me so I would never be able to tell anyone. I was only fifteen. I can't leave because my murderers haven't been caught yet, but maybe if someone hears my story it'll help." she said, that's one of the hardest stories I've heard in a while, and I listen to spirit's stories almost every day.

"Wow, I am so sorry Alisa. That had to be absolutely terrible! I really hope that you are able to cross over and forget all that has happened to you."

"Thank you."

And with that she faded away, another trapped spirit helped.

Eventually, the bell rang and lunch was over, and it was time for art. It was a free draw day, so I just let my hand go. When I finished I realized that I had drawn Alisa. 

The bell rang right as I finished up, and I headed off to my next class.

The rest of the day went quick, boring classes, name calling, all the usual. But now the day was finally over.

I get on my skateboard and start my way home. I'm gonna try to sneak in if my mom is home, if she isn't, I'll just go up to my room and work on schoolwork, then I'll go out to the forest and hang out at the treehouse I found.

I get to the front door and don't see her car anywhere, I check the house and she doesn't seem to be anywhere around so I open the door and head up to my room. As soon as I get there, Marley comes running at me and pulls me into what would be the biggest hug possible, but yea know, ghost. She says how much she missed me and how she wishes that she could've come with me. She gets bored super easily. We have almost exact opposite personalities, she's super hyper and outgoing, I'm a socially awkward introvert. She loves people and wants to know everyboday, even though she knows that she can't. I want to disappear and never see people again. But somehow, we are best friends, I guess it's that old saying, opposites attract.

I tell her how much I wish she would've been there, and tell her about my day as I work on my homework. By the time I finish its dark so I decided that I should just head to bed before mom gets home.

"Goodnight Marley."

"Goodnight Casper."

• • • •

Hey, I finally updated...sorry about the long ass wait. School is finally out for summer and I'll be able to update much more frequently. Anyway, I hope you guys like it.

Life's a bitch. Don't quit.

Total words: 1368

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