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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I look and see it's an unknown number, so I just ignore it and start getting ready for the day. Today's Friday, which means PE. Great. PE is the worst class, we have to wear stupid gym clothes and I had to basically force the gym coach to let me wear my hoodie.

I grab a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a sleeping with sirens shirt, and my hoodie. Marley comes running up to me and we see if our bond is strong enough for her to come with me today, thank god it is, I don't know how I would've made it through another day without her. I slip on my shoes, grab my bag, phone, and skateboard and head to school.

As I'm riding to school my phone buzzes and I see that I got a text from the unknown number that called earlier, it says 'you should just end it already. you don't have any reason to keep going and everyone hates you.' I stop and my eyes start to well up, "Screw whoever sent this! You need to stay strong, I don't hate you! I love you so so much Casper, " Marley says after looking at the text, "they may not know it now, but you help so many spirits move on, you do more than anyone could ever know."

Man how I wish I could hug her. "Thank you, Marley, what would I do without you?" she laughs, deep down I know that the message is true, that no one really loves me, I mean sure I have Marley, but she's my guardian, it's like her job to love me.

• • • •

I arrive at school and, as usual, everyone starts talking about me, saying the normal stuff about how I should kill myself, about how much of a freak I am, you know all the cliché phrases that just get old after a while. I mean yeah they affect me, but come on, be original if your gonna bully someone.

I start my way to my locker to grab my books for first period, as I open my locker a note falls out, and guess what it says, yep, the usual 'your pathetic, go die already' I just throw the note in my backpack and start my day to class.

First period goes by pretty quick, I was spaced out most of the time, but luckily the teacher didn't catch me, next class I have with Ace, he skipped yesterday, I might skip today, I want to go out to the treehouse I found, its the only place I feel safe. No one else knows about it, it's by the Golden Gate Bridge, about a half mile from a cliff that drops off to the water below.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the bell for second period ringing, I go to my locker, grab my skateboard and backpack, then just ride out the front doors. The security guard tries to stop me but I just ignore him, I don't care about school right now, all I care about is being alone with my thoughts.

• • • •

As I'm about a half mile away from the treehouse, I start to feel really panicked. It starts to get hard to breathe and I flashback to that house. I start hearing whispering and Marley starts yelling for me to run, but I can't, I can't move, I'm completely paralyzed by fear. Darkness starts to envelop me and I can't think straight. The last thing I remember is a blood curdling scream, and then me falling to the ground.

Ace's POV

I decided to skip second period today, I already know what we're learning, it's the easiest class of the day, computer literacy.

I decided to go for a walk around the city, go get some food, go down to the bridge and watch the fairies come in and out. As I was walking down to the bridge I noticed a kid that looked familiar, he was skating towards the bridge, but then he just stopped, he was right outside the forest and looked like he was gonna go in, I started going closer and realized the kid is ghost.

Damn his hair is so cute-wait what?

I got closer and heard him mumbling "no no no no no no. Leave me alone! Stop stop stop!" his breathing got faster and then he just dropped, he looked completely lifeless. His face had drained of all color and he wasn't moving at all, all of a sudden he shoots up from the ground and just stares, it's like he's staring at everything and nothing all at once, he doesn't look like himself, he starts to say "Ik gaf je geen toestemming om aan boord van mijn lichaam te gaan! Ik verbannen jullie demonen! Ik ben sterker dan jij!" And then he falls to the floor again and starts to writhe around. Slowly he starts to wake back up, he looks like himself, he looks at me, and get up to run, but I grab his arm, pulling back towards me, but the second I grab him he flinches and tries to pull his arm out of my grasp.

I don't let him go and he just stares at the ground, "What the hell was that?!, " I ask him, he doesn't say anything and just whispers "you wouldn't understand. No one does." and with that, he pulls free of my grasp and just starts walking up into the forest. "Whatever freak," I say and start to walk back to school. That was strange, to say the least.

Casper's POV

After I got out of Ace's grasp, I started walking back up into the forest. I pull my sleeve up and see that one of the fresh cuts from yesterday is starting to open up, I reach the treehouse and open my backpack up to grab some spare gauze for when this happens. I pull out one of my books about Dutch and start searching for a citation to ward off evil entities, like what just attacked me.

After about two or three hours of reading, talking with Marley, and relaxing, I figured I should head back, I want to get back to school in time for art, but unfortunately, in order to get to art in time, I have to go to PE.

• • • •

I get back to school just as the bell rings signaling that lunch has ended and it's time for gym. I head to the locker room and keep my head down, the locker room is the worst time. I have to get my clothes from my locker, change, try not to feel like absolute shit because of my body, and have to manage to not have my arms show while changing. Not that anyone would really care, but you know.

As I walk in I can feel everyone stare at me, I hear someone yell "that's right, keep your head down fag! I know you want this!" I just stay quiet and get to my locker, I'm shoved and elbowed more times than I can count, but I just ignore it. I try to forget the fact that I'm being stared at and get changed, but I can't, I go to the bathroom stall in the change room and just try not to breakdown.


I can hear them talking about me, about how I'm probably jacking off or something. About how fucked up I am, about how I should just drink the bleach I use to do my hair. And I can't take it anymore. I need my razor but I don't have it, so I find a spare paper clip on the ground and just start digging it into my wrist as hard as I can. I just need pain! I need to see blood! I'm so so so done with all of the torment! I just want it to all be over.

I'll try tonight.

I take the paperclip from my wrist to my stomach and crave 'fat' into it. I do the same to my thighs. I hear the bell ring and everyone leave the locker room, I make sure everyone's gone, then I get changed and walk out.

The coach calls attendance and then we go out to run the mile. As we're walking our I feel like someones watching me, I look back and see that Ace is staring at me, his beautiful golden eyes, his amazing hair. Man, I'm so falling for my bully. Too bad I won't be around much longer.

• • • •

School is over and I start to head home, plan in mind. I'll get my pills, I shouldn't take more than four in a day, so if I take the whole bottle it should definitely work. I'm not gonna write a note, I mean I have no one that would even care enough to read it anyway.

Lost in thought I slam into someone and am knocked to the ground, I look up to see Ace standing there, towering above me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hurt me!" I whisper, but he just kicks me in the stomach and walks away. I get up and start my way back home.

•  •  •  •
Is anyone even reading this?
Well if someone is, then sorry about the cliff hanger, it was starting to get pretty long.

Life's a bitch. Don't quit.

Total word count: 1577

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