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I had almost the same exact dream again last night. I don't know what it means, but I do know that it's definitely not just a dream. I woke up with bruises on my wrists, so that's just another thing to try and hide, I don't really know how to hide my eyes, I can't exactly keep them closed all day, now can I. 

I hop out of bed, my feet making a thud when they hit the ground. 

"Good morning!" Marley says, bounding into the room, "School starts in twenty." she reminds me.

"God, how can you have so much energy?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"Well, first of all, I don't sleep, and second of all, I'm a ghost," she says laughing "now come on, you gotta get ready."

"Ughhhh I don't want to go," I say, plopping myself to the ground.

"Well," she says, while making the most mom face, "I let you miss yesterday, so you have to go today." 

"Geez, fine mom," I say laughing.

I stand up and make my way over to the closet, I grab my Bring Me The Horizon shirt and an oversized hoodie. Then I make my way over to my dresser and grab a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and I throw on my Doc Martens.

I head to the bathroom, fixing up my hair, and putting on some (probably too much) eyeliner. 

I stare in the mirror for a while, running my fingers over my ribs and collar bones, checking the size of my wrists, and running a hand over my stomach, stepping on the scale, I nearly cry at the number I see, I can't believe I haven't lost weight. I ate too much yesterday, I'm definitely gonna fast. 

I grab my bag, phone, and earbuds, and make my way downstairs. Marley isn't able to come today, it's weird, each day it seems like our bond is getting weaker, I don't know what to do about it but I have a feeling that it has something to do with the dreams. 

I start the walk to school with seven minutes till the bell rings, I bet I can make it, but just to be sure, I pick up my pace. 

After about five minutes I reach the school gates, and almost immediately I'm on the ground. I hit the ground with a thud, and scrape up my arm a little. I look up to see Ace and his group of mindless followers, all laughing as Ace dumps my bag out, papers scattering everywhere, books hitting the ground, and worst of all, my grimoire. 

I reach for it, but Ace grabs it before I can.

"What's so special about this piece of shit?" Ace asks as he inspects the book, looking at the cover, which just happens to have a pentagram with all of the element signs around it. "Is it your precious little diary?" he says in a baby voice.

"N-no" I stutter, looking at the ground, he has no idea what he's messing with, that book is not something to joke about. 

"Well then, let's see what's in here, shall we?" he starts flipping pages, I can feel my hands burning. " 'Nightmare Hex' well would you look at this, boys, the fag thinks he's magic!" he says laughing, little does he know, "Let's see what else is in here," he says, I try to grab for it but he pushes me back down, holding me to the ground with his foot,  "Oh look at that!" he laughs, "ghost is so desperate to be happy that he thinks a spell for happiness would work." 

I just stay quiet, the burning in my hands slowly creeping up my arms, my eyes start to burn, but not like in going to cry, it feels like they're going to pop out. My vision starts to blur, and a voice starts creeping in, 

'Hurt him. You know you want to, make him afraid to sleep at night!' the voice says.

'Why would I do that? I mean I could, but I could never do that with a clean conscious.' I say back

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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