The birth of a killer

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A Squad of Green berets are pinned by ISIS forces in the city of Baghdad.
Hector:"What do we do Sarge?!"
Sarge:"Keep Fire on those pricks until-"
A stray bullet hit the sergeant in the left eye.The Sergeant began screaming in pain as Hector rushed over to him.
Hector:"COVER FIRE!"
The other squad mates began to open fire on the enemy as Hector began to bandage the sergeant.
Hector:"Stay down sarge."
Sergeant:"Kill t-them all..."
The sergeant died in Hector's arms and his dog tags dropped from his pocket.That last phrase from the Sergeant echoed into Hector's mind.Hector began to growl and began screaming in anger.Hector grabbed his rifle and stormed out of the building and ran to the ISIS militants.They began to open fire but they missed 98% of their shots.Hector fired at them getting clean headshots and body shots.A rocket flew to where the rest of his squad was and Hector went wide eyed.
Hector stormed the building and reached the top to find 3 ISIS militants.One with a rocket launcher and the other two brandishing AK's.Hector took out his Knife and ran up for the ISIS militants.One tried to shoot Hector but he was stabbed in the eye.Hector whipped around to the other soldier and slashed his stomach which made guts pore onto the ground.Hector was about to go for the last one until he heard a gunshot hand felt a extreme pain on the right side of his head.Hector tried to fight it but ultimately passed out due to blood loss.
1 week later.
Hector slowly opened his eyes and realized he was in a hospital bed.
Hector:"Fuck what happened?"
Suddenly a Doctor followed by a nurse entered the room.
Doctor:"You've finally have woken up Mr.Sanchez."
Hector:"What the he'll happened?"
The doctor sighed and looked at Hector with a serious face.
Doctor:"You were on a patrol mission in Baghdad when your squad got ambushed by ISIS militants."
Hector:"What about my squad?"
Doctor:"They...they didn't make it you are the only one to be alive."
The words hit Hector like a truck.Hector began to shake and yell.
The doctor and Nurse began to hold Hector down.
Doctor:"Calm down Hector calm down!"
Hector tried to pull the doctor off of him until the nurse stabbed Hector with a tranquilizer dart.
Hector:"Let go of me..."
Hector passed out and the doctor looked at the nurse.
Doctor:"We're keeping him here for the next week."
Another week later.
Hector was still in his hospital room looking at himself in the little mirror the doctor gave him.
Hector:"I'm hideous!"
Doctor:"You're lucky the bullet grazed off your skull but it left one nasty scar.

Hector:"I'm hideous!"Doctor:"You're lucky the bullet grazed off your skull but it left one nasty scar

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Doctor:"Good thing ISIS soldiers have bad aim because that would've killed you."
Hector:"Can I still go into war?"
?:"As a matter of fact you can."
Hector looked behind the doctor and saw a African American lady wearing a suit.
Six:"Hello Hector my name is Six I'm the leader of Team rainbow."
Hector:"What do you need me for?"
Six:"I would like to make you an offer."
Hector:"I'm listening."
Six:"Your skills on the battlefield are absolutely remarkable,35 confirmed kills not bad."
Hector:"I can do more."
Six:"You wear a medic in your squad is that correct?"
Hector:"Yes a damn good one."
Six:"Well what I'm saying is that I want you to join Team rainbow we could use your skills."
Hector:"What makes this deal exciting?"
Six:"Triple the pay,a room all to yourself and a private garage to store any personal vehicles."
Hector thought about it for a minute and looked at Six.
Hector:"I'm in But one question is there anybody else in this so called rainbow?"
Six:"The finders soldiers from around the world from the FBI all the way to the SAS."
Hector:"Before we leave can I get my belongings?"
Six:"Take all the time you need."
Hector got up and went to bathroom inside his room and began to change into his outfit.Hector looked at himself in the mirror and decided to cut some hair off his face.Hector used his knife to do the work.The sounds of the ambush played in his head all over again.Once Hector was finished he looked at himself one last time

Once Hector was finished he looked at himself one last time

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Hector exited the bathroom and stood in front of six.
Six:"Follow me to the helipad."
Six and Hector walked to the helipad which took 2 minutes.The helicopter had a Six on the back of it.
Hector:"Explains the name Six."
Six and hector boarded the helicopter and it took flight.
Six:"It's gonna be a long flight so get some rest."
Hector nodded and closed his eyes awaiting for his arrival.
A/N Hector will be based off of Lincoln clay from Mafia 3 it's just that Hector will be Cuban.But Anyway hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

Mentally scarred:A Rainbow six siege storyWhere stories live. Discover now