Same old song and dance

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It had been the next day after the events at the club.Mira and Hector officially confirmed that both will be girlfriend and boyfriend.Hector was in the cafeteria talking with All the SAS boys.
Thatcher:"Hector my dear friend you need to have at least one British cooler."
Hector:"No thank you I don't take a liking to British drinks."
Smoke:"Way Better than Pepsi that's for sure."
Hector:"You probably like Coke don't you?"
Smoke:"I love me a good old coke what's bad about them?"
Before Hector could speak the intercom came on.
Intercom:"Can Ela,Hector,Castle,Valkyrie,and Bandit come to the meeting room."
Hector:(In a terrible British accent)"I'll see ye cunts later."
Hector gets up from his table and runs to the briefing.
Hector enters the briefing and realizes that he is the last one to arrive.
Six:"A hotel in Wrocław Poland has been taken siege by white mask-"
Before she could speak a very menacing growl came from Ela.
Six:"There are no reports of hostages but the hotel is just filled with white mask so basically a simple terrorist hunt."
After that last word Ela stormed out of the room toward the armory in a outfit of rage.
Hector:"Welp looks like I have to watch over her."
Valkyrie:"Aren't you dating Mira?"
Hector:"I never said I was getting intimate with Ela and aren't you dating Craig?"
Everyone was in the armory suiting up for the mission.Hector had just holstered his knife when he noticed Ela apply face paint to her face.
Hector:"Isn't that Caveira's thing?"
Ela:"The white mask took over my hometown so I'm gonna spread some sprawiedliwość."(Justice)
Hector:"Ok Captain marvel."
Hector:"Yes Ela?"
Ela:"Do what you do best."
Hector chuckled and grabbed his knife.
Hector:"Copy that."
Once given the all clear the chosen operators made their way to a Blackhawk that was waiting for them.
Castle:"Hey Hector."
Hector:"Whatcha need?"
Castle:"Is it true that-"
Hector:"Yes I'm dating Mira for the 4th time."
Castle:"Ok i just wanted to ask."
Hector:"I know but it's annoying to have everyone on your ass about it."
Valkyrie:"I agree with you on that when news spread that I was dating Craig people would constantly ask."
Hector:"True that But in the end you're dating the person that you love."
Ela:"I don't know who I'll date."
Hector:"I've seen you train with Jäger a lot."
Ela than blushed a deep red and gave hector a annoyed look.
Ela:"We're only training partners!"
Hector:"Than soon you'll be having breakfast with him."
Everyone except Ela burst into laughter.
Ela:"Keep talking I'll hit you over the head with my Grzmont mine."
Hector:"And what if I stab you to death with my knife?"
Hector:"What?You killed too."
Ela:"Yeah But I don't stab people to Death."
Hector:"It's better than just ending them quick I like to make deaths colorful."
Ela:"Yep you're a psychopath."
The Blackhawk hovered a few feet above the roof,a rope was thrown down.One by one the operators slid down.
Castle:"Quick question why would Six send defending operators when we are attacking?"
Hector:"I'm not defender nor am I a attacker so I guess it doesn't matter."
Hector:"Droning out."
The little drone slid through a drone hall leading to the 6 floor below the roof.After 2 minutes Hector looked at the other operators.
Hector:"I count 7 tangos all in a office room."
Ela:Any bombers?"
Hector:"No and I'll take point."
Hector signaled the others to follow him.Everyone stacked up at the door and Hector slowly opened the door the others soon followed.Hector signaled everyone to stop moving.Faint footsteps could be heard coming toward them.
Hector:"I got this."
Hector put his gun to his side and got his fist ready.
The terrorist was grabbed by Hector who put a firm grip on his neck.
Hector:"Lets play a game,who can get their neck snapped the fastest."
Hector then snaps the terrorist's neck.
Hector:"You win."
Hector got his weapon ready and proceeded through the floor.Hector spotted a large hole in the wall.
Hector:"Valkyrie throw your camera on that hole in the wall we can probably get a read on the other side."
Valkyrie threw her camera and went on her phone.
Valkyrie:"I count six."
Hector:"Nice job you guys stack at the door and I'll throw a flash-bang threw the hole and once you here the bang you barge in."
Everyone stacked up at the door and Hector threw us flash-bang in.A bang can be heard followed by screams of terrorist.Everyone at the door barged in killing every terrorist in the room except for one who had his hands up.
Terrorist:"Please spare me!"
Hector came into the room and went up to the terrorist.
Hector:"We don't negotiate with terrorists."
Hector grabbed out his knife and sliced the gut of the terrorist.The terrorist organs spilled onto the floor like hot spaghetti.
Ela:"Jesus Christ!"
Hector:"Oh as if you've never seen blood before."
Footsteps were heard in the hallway that alerted the operators.Suddenly a voice came from the hallway.
???:"Team rainbow!"
Polish GROM officers stepped into room.
Hector:"What are you guys doing here we have it covered."
Officer:"We cleared the other floors before stepping onto his one.
Hector:"So their was no point in being here?"
Officer:"Ehh pretty much."
Hector let out a sigh and grunted in annoyance.
Hector:"Someone call in a helicopter for extraction please."
Ela:"Copy that."
A Helicopter landed on the roof of the hotel.The operators stepped onto the helicopter and once strapped in the helicopter made its journey back to Hereford.
Ela:"Whats wrong Hector?"
Hector was a bit pissed off at the fact that he didn't kill as many white mask terrorist as he wanted to.
Hector:"This mission was a fucking failure."
Hector:"I didn't rip apart any white mask except one."
The whole helicopter went silent.
Hector:"When I Kill I don't make it simple I make it colorful."
Ela:"Who are you the zodiac killer?"
Hector:"They're terrorist they don't deserve a simple death."
Castle:"True But isn't t that a little sadistic?"
Hector:"Are you giving sympathy for a terrorist?"
Ela:"Look my point Is that whole colorful death shit is really creeping everybody out."
Hector:"Get used to it because I don't plan on stopping."

Mentally scarred:A Rainbow six siege storyWhere stories live. Discover now