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Hector was at the shooting range using his M60E4.He knew that it was a old style weapon but it got the job done.
Hector:"Where is everybody I thought that this was a military base wouldn't they want to practice their aim?"
Hector shot the last couple of rounds and put the M60 back on his personal gun rack.Suddenly,Hector heard a voice behind him.
Sledge:"You look like you lift weights don't you."
Hector turned around to see the built Scotsman or commonly known as sledge standing 2 ft in front of him.
Hector:"I take you do the same?"
Sledge:"Yeah the hardest I've ever lifted was 250 and I'm sledge or Seamus."
Hector:"I'm pretty sure you already know my name."
Both men shook each other's hands.
Sledge:"You got one iron grip if I do say."
Hector:"That's the perks of being muscular."
Sledge:"I'm with you on that mate."
Hector:"So you are you here to just say Hi or are you telling me something?"
Sledge:"Oh I'm here to let you know that you and a few
Other operators will be running a mandatory simulation test."
Hector:"Sounds simple enough who's participating?"
Sledge:"I don't know sadly."
Hector:"Welp I'm gonna go thanks for the heads up."
Sledge:"See you later mate."
Hector walked away and made his way back to his room.In the middle of walking Hector was interrupted by the sound of yelling.
Hector:"What the hell is that?"
Hector walked slowly toward the room until the door flew open and a upset Zofia stormed away.
Hector quickly realized that the Bosak sisters just finished an argument.Hector knocked on the door.
Ela:"I said leave me alone Zofia!"
Hector knocked again he heard a loud grunt and the door flew open again.
Ela:"Leave me alon-oh it's you Sorry."
Hector:"Is everything alright?"
Ela:"Yes Just give me some privacy please."
Hector:"I saw Zofia storm away I'm not stupid."
Ela:"It's none of your business."
Hector:"Okay I'll leave but if someone gets hurt on the field because of you fighting with your sister than thats on your ass."
Hector walked away slightly irritated with the fact that two sisters can risk an entire mission if put together.
Hector arrived at his dorm room and put his jacket on the coat hanger.
Hector:"Might as well sit back until the simulation starts."
Hector grabbed his laptop and went on random sights to pass the time.
2 hours later a knock came to Hector's door.Hector opened the door and saw Jackal.
Hector:"I'm guessing the simulation starts now?"
Jackal:"It starts in 5 minutes so get your shit ready."
Hector closed the door and began to suit up.He put on his army jacket,grabbed his knife,and grabbed two of his favorite weapons.A M60E4 and his trusty M1911.
Hector:"Time to mess some shit up."
Hector exited his room and made his way toward the simulation room.On arrival he noticed a few operators.The fast 3 speed-oops i mean Ash,Blackbeard,Jackal,And Zofia.
Zofia:"You look like Rambo."
Hector nodded and leaned against the wall away from the other operators.Ash was talking with Zofia while Jackal was talking with Blackbeard.
Ash:"So what do you think of the new guy?"
Zofia:"Hector?Well he's nice it's just weird how anti social he is."
Ash:"True vigil is more social than him."
Zofia:"I'll agree with you on that l but it could've been his childhood that triggered his silence."
Suddenly a bell rang which means that the simulation is starting.
Intercom:"May all chosen operators enter the VR system repeat May all chosen operators enter the VR system."
Everyone made their way to the VR pods which was just a cube with a chair inside of it.A technician came over and strapped Hector Into the chair.The chosen map was Oregon a classic but both irritating map.The 5
operators spawned in on construction.
Zofia:"The plan is that me,Ash,And Hector will go in from basement while Jackal you will with Blackbeard through showers."
Jackal/Blackbeard:"Copy that."
Jackal and Blackbeard run off to showers while Zofia,Ash,And Hector moved in from basement.
Hector:"I'll take point."
Hector went in front of the two ladies.Natural instincts kicked into Hector.He grabbed out his knife and charged at the door.A white mask soldier was standing there until Hector rushed him.Hector grabbed the soldier by the throat he then stabbed him repeatedly until he dropped him.Hector looked up and saw a disgusted looking Ash and Zofia.
Hector:"What Have you never seen blood before?"
Hector grabbed his LMG and walked slowly down the halls.A suicide bomber popped into Hector's sights and he unleashed hell onto the suicide bomber.The bomber exploded which then alerted other white mask terrorists on the same floor.
Hector:"Zofia use your concussion grenades on the laundry room entry way!"
Zofia:"Stand back!"
Zofia launched two concussion grenades into the entry way.Hector rushed over and sprayed any white mask into oblivion.Blood was all over Hector's face which made him look like a deranged lunatic
Zofia:"I was rights this man is Rambo."
Ash:"Focus on the mission."
The three soldiers pushed up into lobby.Hector pulled out his sidearm and scanned the lobby.
Hector:"All clear move up."
Hector went down the hallway,Zofia and Ash tagging along close behind.
Hector:"I'll check bathroom."
Hector went into bathroom,a white mask soldier was waiting for him.Hector dropped down and gave the terrorist a clean shot to the face.Hector came
Back out but suddenly a voice came from earpiece.
Earpiece:"All hostiles have been eliminated simulation over."Hector's vision faded to black and he was back in the simulation room.All the other operators cheered them on their victory.Hector walked away from everyone going toward the exit until a voice stopped him.
Mira:"Hey Hector where are you going?"
Hector:"Back to my room."
Mira":You sure everyone else wants to talk to you and I know about your anti sociableness."
Hector thought about it and he decided that it was enough with the silence.
Hector:"Ok I'll stay but can I put my things back in my room!"
Mira:"Sure but I'm gonna follow you just to make sure you don't stay in your room."
Hector grunted and made his way toward his room with Mira by his side.Hector opened the door to his room and Mira entered with him.
Hector:"I hope you know that I'm changing everything so that means I'll be naked."
Mira:"Oh sorry I'll leave."
Mira exited the room and waited for him outside.Hector got dressed in a simple US army t-shirt,black jeans,and black nike Air Force 1's.
Hector exited the room Mira was on her phone texting someone.
Hector:"I'm ready."
Mira:"Ok lets go then."
Mira do Hector walked down the halls together.
Mira:"You know everyone was watching you know that right?"
Hector:"Did I scare them with my brutal methods?"
Mira:"You scared everyone by not Caveira she is like you brutal and absolute lunatics."
Hector:"Oh I'm a lunatic ok then I thought you were friendly."
Mira:"No no no didn't mean it like that!"
Hector began to laugh.
Hector:"I'm kidding jeez you sound like the girls who had a crush on me back in middle school."
Mira lightly blushed at that comment.
Hector:"But in the end I ended up calling them whores."
Mira:"That's rude."
Hector:"Not rude if it's true."
Hector and Mira arrived at the cafeteria where Pizza boxes where placed on a table and some operators were talking with each other.
Hector:"Man I have a feeling this is t gonna go so well."
Hector:"Oh nothing."
Mira:"Follow me I'll take you to table so you can talk with people."
Hector:"I know I wasn't born yesterday."
The duo suddenly stopped at a table that consisted of Zofia,Ash,Caveira and Jackal.
Zofia:"Oh the silent man finally reveals himself
And I see you brought a date."
Mira looked away blushing.Hector the sensitive man he is took it as a insult.
Hector:"I don't see your husband around."
Ash and Jackal covered their mouths and began to laugh hysterically while Zofia shook her head laughing as well.
Zofia:"That's cold man just cold."
Hector:"I'm sorry I just had to give you a comeback."
Zofia:"Quick question for you Hector."
Hector:"Lay it on me."
Zofia:"Mira didn't tell me but how did you get your scar?"
Hector froze in place.The bullets and the screams filling his head again.He heard the voice of his sergeant.
Sergeant:"Kill... them...all..."
Zofia:"Hector is everything alright?"
Hector got up and threw the chair he was sitting on across the the cafeteria.Hector stormed off back to his room.Mira ran after Hector worrying for his well-being.
Hector slammed his door and began to punch the wall.The pain started to flow through his knuckles but he didn't care.Hector looked at himself in the mirror.
Hector:"What have I become?"
Hector gritted his teeth than slammed his own head against the mirror.A large cut on Hector forehead started to ooze blood.Everything stopped when a knock came to his door.
Mira:"Hector open up now!"
Hector couldn't resist and he went to the door and open it.Mira went wide eyed and took a step back in fear.
Mira:"H-hector I'm taking you to Doc's office."
Hector started to growl at Mira.
Mira:"Cut The bullshit right now!"
Mira started to get a bit angry but what made her even more scarred is that Hector's eyes were bloodshot.
Mira then did the unthinkable and hugged Hector tightly.All the rage from Hector went away what replaced it was pure shock.
Hector:"Is this woman hugging me?"
Mira finally let go of Hector she was blushing like crazy.
Mira:"Do you want to go to Doc's office now?"
Hector:"Ok I will."
Mira grabbed Hector's arm and practically pulled him towards Doc's office.

Mentally scarred:A Rainbow six siege storyWhere stories live. Discover now