Lol moments

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Hector,Renegade,Ela,And Zofia We're watching a soccer game between Poland and Britain.Poland was ahead of Britain by Six points and Renegade wasn't so happy about it.
Zofia:"It's just a game of soccer."
Poland scored another point and Renegade threw the controller at the TV.
Renegade:"I'm just gonna go to the pool to lose some DAMN STEAM!"
Renegade left the room in a blind rage his stomps could be heard down the hall.
Hector:"Now I See why he calls you soccermom."
Zofia:"Little does he know that I played for my high school soccer team."
Ela:"You're my sister and they're some things I still don't know about you."
Jäger and Ela were on their first official date.Jäger decided to buy himself and Ela tickets to the London eye.As their capsule went up Ela got visibly nervous.
Jäger:"Is something wrong Ela?"
Ela:"I have fear of being on Ferris wheels."
Jäger pulled Ela into his side as a way to comfort her.
Watching from afar was Hector he was using a unloaded sniper as a way to get eyes on the two.
Hector:"Now how am I gonna get down from here?"
Two unconscious guards laid behind Hector with Black eyes and bruises on their faces.
Today was Ying's turn to train the recruits for sprints.
Ying:"Ok you've done ten laps without stopping around this track nice...but here comes the hardest part."
Recruit:"What Caveira?We're not afraid of her."
Just then Hector came out covered in fake blood and he was wielding his knife.
Recruit:"Uh Whats happening?"
Hector:"You will run nonstop no certain amount of laps you have to keep on running or else."
Hector throws his knife in the air and catches it by the handle.
Hector:"You'll go back to your mommas house with bandages."
Recruit:"Isn't this against protocol?!"
Hector:"That's the point."
Hector let out a roar and ran at the recruits.The recruits screamed and ran as fast as they could.Hector stopped running as soon the recruits took off.
Ying laughing:"I knew you would help."
Hector:"It's the best I could do."
Ying and Hector fist pump each other and watched as the recruits ran around the track.
Renegade and Hector has just finished a laps around the pool.Hector was exhausted from the swimming while Renegade was standing their in his glory.
Renegade:"Why is it that the the bulky ones can't swim?"
Hector:"Our muscles hold us down."
Renegade:"I'm the best swimmer on this base no one can't beat me."
Hector was annoyed by this and decided to push Renegade into the pool.
Renegade:"What the hell?!"
Hector:"What you said you were the best swimmer."

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