Night out

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Today marked Hector's first week since being accepted into rainbow.Six gave everyone permission to go out on the town if they wanted to.Smoke suggested a club to everyone that was called,"the hangout."Hector was in his own room and playing around shot his guitar.
Hector:"I need to get a acoustic guitar some time."
Suddenly a knock cam eat his door.Hector opened and standing there was none other than Thatcher and Thermite.
Hector:"May I help you?"
Thatcher:"In honor of it being your first week here six decided to let everyone go out tonight."
Hector:"Cool where are we going?"
Thermite:"Smoke suggested a club called the hangout or something like that."
Hector:"Seems cool and tell Six I said thank you."
Thatcher and Thermite walk away and Hector goes back to playing his guitar.
Mira was in the armory perfecting her mirrors with Jackal.
Jackal:"So are you going out tonight?"
Mira:"Why the hell not?"
Jackal:"You Bringing your boyfriend hector?"Jackal said with a smirk."
Mira instantly blushed red from those words.
Mira:"Fuck off Ryad I'm not dating him it's just I think I'm the only friend he has."
Jackal:"Jeez I'm just joking."
Mira:"Well I'm not in the mood for your smartass comments."
Jackal:"You're gonna end up dating him you can't deny it."
Mira grew angry and grabbed Jackal by the collar of his shirt.
Suddenly a voice came from the side of of the two Spaniards.
Hector:"Is everything alright?"
Mira quickly let go of Jackal and put her left hand behind her head.
Mira:"O-oh Nothing is wrong what do you need Hector?"
Hector:"I was wondering if you were going to the club tonight?"
Mira:"Of course I'm going Why the hell not?"
Hector:"Ok good and another question what should I go with my tuxedo or polo with jeans?"
Mira:"Um polo with jeans."
Hector:"Thanks Mira I'll see you tonight."
Mira:"Same here."
Hector walked away and Mira looked at Jackal.
Mira:"Say one thing and I'll slap you with the mirror."
Jackal:"Im gonna go I'll see you tonight."
Mira:"See you later."
Jackal left the armory and Mira was left there to think to herself.
Mira:"What effect does Hector have on me?"
Everyone was gathered in the main corridor leading to the parking lot.Hector was walking down to the main corridor when he bumped into Mira.
Hector:"Hola Mira."
Mira:"Hi hector."
Mira felt herself blush from Hector's presence.
Hector:"You look very stunning tonight."
Mira:"I can say the same for you."
Hector:"We should head down to the main corridor everyone is probably waiting for us."
Mira and Hector walk side by side to the main corridor where all the other operators are.
The duo arrive and everyone is in their own little group are pairing.Mira and Hector joined the group of Echo,Buck,Mute,Lesion,And Ying.Suddenly Thatcher's booming voice silenced everyone.
Thatcher:"We're moving out now here are car arrangements JTF2 will ride with seals,BOPE will ride with SAT,GEO will ride with the SDU,GROM will ride with SMB,CRBN will ride with the GIS,and Hector your car arrived."
Thatcher tossed Hector keys and Hector caught them.
Hector:"Ahhh my baby is here."
Hector runs off outside and everyone follows.
Hector opens the door to the outside and smiles at his car.

All the operators come outside and are scared to death because of Hector turning on the engine in his car

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All the operators come outside and are scared to death because of Hector turning on the engine in his car.
Mira walked up to the driver side window.
Mira:"Nice car it's loud though."
Hector:"Wanna hop in?"
Mira blushed lightly at the question.
Mira:"Sure I like muscle cars."
Mira hops in the passenger seat and the other cars start to drive away.Hector was fighting the urge to step on the gas he didn't want to get pulled over.Mira was staring blankly out the window of the car and into the night sky.
All the operators including Hector were in the line to enter the club.Once everybody was in they all split up into their own groups.Hector joined he group of Lesion,Vigil,Buck,Echo,And sledge.
Hector:"This place is packed."
Echo:"Come on let's get some drinks!"
The group goes to the bar and all of them get whisky from the bartender.Once all of them go back to their booth Vigil raises his glass.
Vigil:"To Hector being the most Badass and most brutal soldier ever."
Hector couldn't help but smile at the compliment.The men clink their glasses together before they all downed Their drinks.
Hector:"Thanks Korean Batman."
The group starts to laugh including Vigil.
Hector:"I'm gonna go take a bathroom brake be right back."
Hector got up from the table and made his way to the bathroom.When Hector entered the hallway to the bathroom,the female bathroom opened up to reveal Ela.Hector was about to walk pass her when suddenly she grabbed into him.
Hector:"Yes Ela?"
Ela:"I know I should've said this earlier but I'm sorry for how I treated you when you checked on me after The argument me and Zofia had."
Hector:"It's fine...I've had it worse than you."
Ela:"Do you mind telling me?"
Hector:"My family...forget it."
Hector escaped Ela's grasp and entered the men's bathroom.
Hector exited the bathroom and on his way back he bumped into Mira.
Mira:"Man we have a thing for bumping into each other."
Hector:"Yeah we do."
Mira:"Can I ask you something Hector?"
Hector:"Go ahead."
Mira:"Do you want to go the dance floor with me?"
Hector thanked god for his dark skin because if he was light skinned a heavy blush would've been exposed on his face.
Hector:"Yeah sure why not?"
Mira then did something that caught Hector by surprise.She interlocked hands with Hector and pulled him to the dance floor.The current song ended and the voice of the DJ came form the speakers.
DJ:"Ok everybody we're gonna slow things down."
(Play the song above)
The most soothing song started to play and every couple on the dance floor started to slow dance with each other.
Hector:"Care to slow dance?"
Mira:"Sure I'll dance."
Hector wrapped his arms around Mira waste while Mira wrapped her arms around a Hector's neck.
Mira:"I swear I feel like every operator is watching us."
Hector:"Just ignore them they're probably jealous."
Mira giggled a bit.
Mira:"Hector I don't want to ask this but what was your life like before you joined the berets?"
Hector let out a long sigh and looked at Mira.
Hector:"My entire family died in a car crash when I was at home with my grandparents and school life oh it's was the worst,I was bullied for my entire school life."
Mira was completely shocked from this information.
Hector:"Every now and then I would have nightmares about the crash I would see my mothers face...oh god it was terrible her left eye popped out,her jaw was missing,and her right hand was smushed."
Mira:"That's absolutely horrible to hear."
Hector:"What was yours like?"
Mira:"My mom abandoned me at birth but school life was normal I wasn't bullied but I didn't have a lot of friends."
Hector noticed that a tear fell from Mira's eyes.Hector wiped the tear.
Hector:"Please don't cry."
Mira:"Sorry it's just that it's hard to live without your mother you know?"
Hector:"Listen Mira no matter where you are,what situation we are in I'll always be there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here."
Mira then pulled hector into a passionate kiss.Hector deepened the kiss which made Mira moan quietly.They both part from their kiss to get some fresh air.
Mira:"It's good to hear that Hector."
Hector:"You know you're my first girl I kissed in a while."
Mira:"And your the first boy for me to kiss ever."

Mentally scarred:A Rainbow six siege storyWhere stories live. Discover now