A little break

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Hector was with the Spaniard duo in the lounge room.
Jackal:"So Mira Tell Hector about that one mission in Portugal."
Mira:"Oh no."
Hector:"What happened I want to hear this."
Mira:"It's so cringe."
Jackal:"We traced a shipment of narcotics to a serial rapist in a Portugal and Mira barged I'm on something bad."
Mira:"I don't want to remember it."
Jackal:"What happened was-"
Before Jackal could explain the story the intercom turned on.
Intercom:"Can all operators report tot he briefing room."
Hector:"It's literally been a day after the mission."
Jackal:"Well duty calls."
The briefing room was filled with side bar conversations of complaints about it being a mission or plans to go out on the town.How ever that wasn't the case.Six entered the room and it fell silent.
Six:"Good afternoon team rainbow this meeting will not be about a mission but instead a special announcement."
Each and every operators head filled with curiosity from this statement.
Six:"I am proud to announce that all of you will be going to the Miami Florida for vacation."
Most of the operators began to clap and whistle while some smiled in satisfaction.
Six:"You all leave in 5 hours so get ready."
All the operators left the briefing room in preparation to prepare for the trip.
Hector went up to his room and started to prepare.He put his guitar in it case,he grabbed some clothes and bottles of sun screen.Once it was time to go all the operators met up at the hangar and boarded the medium sized plane.Jäger,Ela,Hector,And Mira sat with each other and conversed with each other.
Ela:"So Hector is Florida a fun place?"
Hector:"Well I've been there a couple of times but in my opinion it's great except when it constantly gets hit by Hurricanes."
Jäger:"I only care about it being a hot place."
Hector:"Trust me you'll burn your ass off."
The plane landed at a Miami international airport and a row of hummers waited for the team.The second hummer was taken by the group of Hector,Ela,Jäger,Mira,And Jackal.Hector decided to drive while Mira was in the passenger seat,Jäger,Ela,and Jackal day I'm the middle seat.
Hector:"Well where all we going again?"
Mira:"The circa 39 hotel Six payed for everyone."
Jäger:"Do you guys ever think Six takes breaks?"
Ela:"Well she is powerful."
Hector:"I don't even think she sleeps."
Jackal:"Lets just be glad we're not on a mission."
The convoy of hummers started their engines and the journey began.Along the way the car was filled with silence.Hector was annoyed by this so he connected his phone to the radio at each red light.
Hector:"So what do you guys want to listen to?"
Jäger:"Since when did you listen to rap?"
Ela:"Ever Since I was ten."
Jäger:"Never thought you were the type."
Hector:"So rap then."
Ela/Jäger:"Blast it."
Hector searched the song up and found the song on Spotify.(Play the song you mong)
Jäger:"To be honest it a nice song."
Hector:"It's has a nice rhythm before you realize old rap songs are about the rappers dark past."
Ela:"Be quiet I want to listen to this."
Hector:"Ok spoiled princess."
The car ride on the way to the hotel was not bad expect when Jackal started to snore loudly until Ela smacked him but it was a decent ride to the hotel.The convoy pulled up and everyone got their belongings.
Hector:"Alright Everyone listen up."
The crowd of operators all looked at Hector on top of the hummer.
Hector:"We will be going to the 35th floor of the hotel Six literally bought the entire 35th floor so each room with be filled with four operators so make space especially you Rook."
Some laughter could be heard from the crowd of operators.Everyone entered the hotel and the process of Everyone bag being checked lasted longer that it had to be.Once all the bags were checked all the operators made the long way up the flight of stairs.Finally when everyone got to the 35th floor,the groups were arranged.The last room consisted of Hector,Mira,Hibana,and Renegade. Hector instantly fell asleep with Mira on top of him While Hibana took the other bed and Renegade slept on the couch.

Mentally scarred:A Rainbow six siege storyWhere stories live. Discover now