Chapter 4: Friday 2nd February

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The waning moon loomed above Canary and I as we made our way down the abandoned street. I pulled my jacket hood up over my head as the wind blew more forcefully.

My staff was strapped into a pocket in he inside of my jacket, ready to used if I needed it. Janet had also given me a knife, that was now in my boot.

My footsteps were silent as we turned into the alleyway. There were a few lights on in the apartments above us, but other than that there was no one else around. Well, maybe except for the stray cat near the dumpster.

Canary walked over to the brick wall at the end of the alleyway. She pulled open a hidden slot and something scanned her eyes. She closed the slot and steeped back as the wall shifted. Canary walked through the passage and I followed. I pulled my hood further down, making sure it concealed my face.

"Welcome to the Arrow Cave." Canary said.

It was quite like the warehouse, except the walls were grey and there was no clothes visible. I noticed to people standing by a desk, a man and a girl. We walked over to where they were standing.

The man extended his hand. "You must be Shadow. I'm Green Arrow." He said. I hesitantly shook his hand. He gestured to the girl, "this is my protege-"

"Artemis." She cut him off. "I'm your teammate." She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'm Shadow." I said.

"Ah Shadow, I thought it would be good for you to talk with Artemis before we head to the cave. She has been in a somewhat similar situation to you." Canary said, before going to the other side of the cave with Green Arrow.

"So you used to live in Gotham." Artemis said. I turned to look at her. "I didn't look at your file or anything, I've just heard about you around town. Caused quite stir with the cops."

"Yeah I have." I smiled at the thought of Gordon's face. "What do you mean by my file?"

"Everyone has a file, me, you. Even Batman. It has all the important information the Justice has on you." She answered.

I nodded my head. "So what's it like, to be a superhero?" I asked her.

"It's...fulfilling. Just the feeling knowing that you've saved someone's life makes you, just, really happy I guess." She said.

"So, how will they react to me being on the team? I mean, I was a criminal and all." I asked.

"As long as you stay committed to the team, they'll accept you. They accepted me, and I come from a family of assassins that absolutely hate the Justice League." She said.

I smiled slightly. Is it possible that I could actually start a new life with these people? Be happy?

"You're staying at the cave now aren't you?" She asked.


"Do you need any help moving your things?" Argh. My things, I had completely forgotten about them.

"Um, all of my things are back at my apartment. I, uh, kind of forgotten about them." I said.

"Well, we can go there tomorrow and get them. I mean, only if you want to." She offered.

"Uh yeah sure." I smiled. I had actually made a friend. I grabbed a piece of paper and down the address, giving to Artemis.

We stayed like that for a while, just talking about random things like fighting techniques and ice cream. I had forgotten what it was like to be around a friend. Zoella had been my only friend.

After a while Canary and Green Arrow walked over to us. "Well girls, it's time for Shadow to meet the rest of the team." Canary said.

We stood up from the chairs we were sitting on and walked over to a circular hole in the wall. I looked over at Artemis. "You'll be fine." She smiled.


I rubbed my eyes from the blinding light. My head was spinning and I couldn't see straight. Finally I gained my balance and started walking behind the other three.

We were in what looked to be the inside of a mountain, except there were metal doors, hologram computers and passageways. In the centre of the 'room' I could see the rest of Team standing with Batman.

"Team, this is Shadow, my new apprentice. Shadow, this is the team." Canary said. I nodded my head towards them.

"Shadow," Artemis said, "this is M'gann, Connor, Wally, Zatanna, Kaldur, Robin and Rocket." She gestured to each of them as she said their names.

"It's nice to meet you." I said, hoping my nerves didn't show.

M'gann flew over to me. "I'm so excited that you're joining the team. We could all give you a tour if you want." She said.

"Yeah, that would be nice." We walked down the one of the passageways, leaving Batman, Arrow and Canary talking amongst themselves.

After they had shown me the rest of the cave, and where my room was, we headed back to what seemed like a living room for cookies that M'gann had made. The space was open, like the rest of the cave, and the cookies smelt delicious.

"So Shadow what are your powers?" Zatanna asked me after we had all sat down on the lounge.

"I know magic and can turn into a shadow." I answered.

"What do you mean by turn into a shadow?" Wally asked me.

Without speaking I laid back against the couch and faded into my shadow form.

"Now that, is cool." Rocket said.

I regained my physical form and sat on the couch once again. I looked at Artemis next to me and she gave me a friendly nod.

"Welcome to the team Shadow." Kaldur said.

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