Chapter 11: Monday 19th February

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"Recognised. Shadow, B10."

The whirring slowly faded away behind me as I stepped out of the bright glow that illuminated the zeta tube. I was getting used to traveling through the portal, even though it ran on science, not magic, which was not an area I was greatly informed in.

The kitchen table was dominated the girls, while the boys lazed over the couches, watching some sort of monster truck show.

"How was your first day?" M'gann asked with interest, offering me some cookies as I sat down in the huddle.

"It was..." I struggled to find the right words. "Different, I guess."

Artemis cracked a smile. "You wouldn't be used to all the chaos would you?" I shook my head, greatly agreeing with her.

"You used to go to Gotham North, didn't you Artemis?" Zatanna asked her.

She nodded. "I like my new school a lot more though."

"Did you make any new friends?" M'gann asked me. "Or join the cheerleaders, or the newspaper, or you know, anything else?"

"Uh, no I didn't join any clubs, I'm not real big on cheerleading either." I replied. "But I did make a few friends."

My mind wandered back to Rachel. True to her word, she let me sit with her at lunch, along with a girl named Rose. Though I couldn't stop wondering about the magic pulse I received when I shook her hand.

I could see Artemis open her mouth to say something, but then snap it shut, her gaze suddenly fixated on something behind me.

"Hey Shadow." Robin said, leaning against the bench top. "How was your first day at school?"

"It was okay." I replied.

"Just okay?" He quirked an eyebrow, one that was barely seen above his shades.

"Well it's something to do."

"Yeah, I bet it gets pretty boring around here."

"When ther-"

"Robin." I was cut off by Batman's demanding voice booming across the room. "We need to talk."

Robin hesitated, casting an apologetic look my way. "I'll talk to you later then." He said, pulling at his jacket as he walked away with Batman.

I turned my head slightly to stare as they walked down the hall. Noticing an awaiting silence, I shifted my vision to was the crowd of the girls. They all looked at me, expecting something that I wasn't sure of.

"Well?" Asked Rocket exasperatingly.

"Well what?" I questioned, confused.

"Girl, what is happenin' between you and the Boy Wonder?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean, is that there is obviously somethin' going on between you two." She said, making elaborate gestures with her fingers.

I shook my head and lowered my eyes to the table. "Nothing's going on between us. We're just friends."

They all groaned. "Shadow, do you know how many times I've heard that?" Artemis lectured me. "I see the way he looks at you."

"He doesn't look at me like that!" I argued.

"Artemis is right, Shadow." Zatanna said. "He does look at you at you differently. I know because its how he used to look at me."

"You two dated?" I asked, unethically wanting to know more.

"Why, are you jealous?" Artemis asked with a smirk.

"Hey, it's fine." Zatanna waved a hand to silence the archer, then turning to me. "Yes, me and Robin dated...for about a week. Turns out we work better as friends." She chuckled lightly. "But I think you have a very good chance with him."

"I don't okay. Just leave it." I said defensively, as I could feel my face getting redder.

It was impossible, completely stupid. I had never had a crush before, never in my life. And the thought that Robin could actually like me, the weird, dark haired girl whose first time in a school was today. These people were crazy.

"Kidflash, Artemis, Miss Martian and Shadow. Suit up and report to the briefing room." Batman's voice echoed throughout the cave.

"Have fun girls." Rocket said, raising a cup of milk to see us off.

"We will." I answered, walking towards my room.


"We have received information of a criminal base located in Gotham." Batman stood at the front of the room, addressing us on our latest mission.

My first mission.

"Our main concern is this." He pressed a button, revealing a bright blue holographic screen showing a map of Gotham. It zoomed into the North, where a small red dot covered the top of a building.

"We have reason to believe that some of Gotham's deadliest criminals are forming teams, groups, to help each other get things done."

"Just like the Injustice League." Wally whispered to himself beside me.

"You need to go in, scout the building, avoid the tenants. Recover any information you can. Any life threatening dangers, you get out of there immediately." Batman instructed. "Understood?"

"Yes" we all chorused.

"Good, now go."



So new update! Ebony is going on her first mission *everyone cheers* But she's denying that she has a connection with Robin *boo* well that just makes things a little more interesting doesn't it?

Alright, so I watched Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief the other day, after reading the book. It sucked. The plot was nothing like the book; Annabeth and Percy's mum never went to Olympus, they left his MUM in the underworld, Persephone wasn't there, Hades didn't want a war but it was because his HELMET WAS ALSO STOLEN that he was angry with Percy. Oh and guess what, you know how in the movie the characters are about 16, well in the book they're 12. 12!!!! Like are you serious!? How does that even work!? I'm seriously not feeling he aster.

Anyway, thanks for getting this story to 1k. *wipes away tears of joy* you don't know how happy this makes me.

Stay whelmed.

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