Chapter 20: Wednesday 21st February

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"A text message?"

Commissioner Gordon looked at me in disbelief.

That was the excuse I had developed to cover Thorn; that as I collected my phone, I received an anonymous message, alerting me to the fault in investigation.

Batman and the rest of the team were standing around the multiple police desks scattered around the room. Luckily they didn't pay any attention to my extended absence.

"You expect us to go off a simple text message, sent from an unknown number to your phone?" He asked. "It's obviously a trap."

"Is your lead any better?" I asked him him impatiently.

Artemis snickered quietly from next to me, but swallowed her smile when Kaldur glared at her warningly.

"You're source can't be any more reliable than mine." I stated.

Gordon took of his wide framed glasses and dropped them on his desk, leaning back in the swivel chair he currently occupied. Putting a hand to his forehead, he massaged it frustratingly.

"The source I was given is the source that makes the most sense. Joker always liked to make his plans extravagant, and by holding Zoella at your old orphanage Wildcard is being more extravagant than normal." He said.

I out an annoyed breath, ready to argue with the commissioner again. But a cough, in the back of the room near the door, caught my attention. Looking over my shoulder, I could see a scrawny, lanky man in a police uniform standing in the doorway with a yellow folder of files in his hands.

"What is it Stanner?" Gordon asked gruffly. You could tell he was tired.

The man Stanner stepped forward into the 'circle' we had formed. "Sir, the squad we sent our has returned. They reported no criminal children in the building; everything was going as normal." Stanner stated. "Apparently the occupants were very surprised that police had come to the building.

I turned back the commissioner. "I guess we follow my lead now."

Gordon shook his head. "They could still be hiding in there somewhere, threatened the people inside to lie to the cops."

"Sir, the squad searched the entire building. Apart from a few weapons stashed in corners by the children, nothing else was reported as illegal or unusual." Stanner stated. I decided I liked him.

Gordon sat up in his chair, mouth open to object, when Batman cut him off.

"It would be foolish to hide in such an obvious place, commissioner. Too foolish for such notorious criminals such as these. Besides, your source has been proven to be invalid." Batman stated in usual, emotionless voice.

"But we still have no idea which orphanage she went to; let alone if it's even in Gotham!" Gordon exclaimed.

"Actually," continued Stanner. "Some of the technics ran a scam on Wildcard. They found a match."

He dumped the folders down onto the commissioner's desk, flipping the page over as we all crowded around it. "Hannah Quinnzel. She was raised in Potley Orphanage, in the Narrows. The orphanage has since been shut down."

We stayed silent for a moment, wondering what to do now.

"Team, back to the bioship. I'll consult with The League and decide on the best plan of attack." Batman ordered, then turning to Gordon. "Thank you for your help commissioner."

With that Batman strode out of the room, his black cap flowing behind him. Kaldur gave a curt nod to the both men of the law, and led us out of the station.

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