Day 4 - Apologies

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They sat silent in the dark of the small room. They had heard Miranda's scream and knew it was over for her. Corbin looked up above his head and saw a small, round button sticking out of the wall. Heart dropping, he reached up and pushed it. The wall in front of him opened a little. He pushed it more. Everyone gasped as it revealed another small room. Empty except for a worn teddy bear on the shelf.

"Why didn't you push the button?" Elvyne hissed. Corbin hung his head. "I couldn't find it."

"You killed Miranda."

"I know."

Solomon grabbed the front of Corbin's shirt. "Move," he commanded the others. They all scrambled out of the room. Solomon hauled Corbin out like he weighed no more than that teddy bear.

"Up to the room," Solomon said. Everyone went up the stairs with Corbin and Solomon at the end. As soon as they had made it back up to the bedroom, Solomon threw Corbin at the wall.

"I'm sorry!" Corbin said. "Do you think I meant to kill her?"

"No," said Solomon. "But you did." He grabbed Corbin's shoulders and threw him onto the ground.

"Just stop," Becca said. Her face was pale but she was firm. "Stop, Sol. That's not going to help anything. What Corbin has in his hand, however, will."

Corbin had nearly forgotten the battery in his hand. He dropped it on the table. "It goes to the most recent lock on the door."

Solomon picked it up and gave it back to Corbin. "Then go put it back."

Corbin raised an eyebrow. "Now?" Solomon nodded. "Consider it your punishment."

"But I-" Corbin saw a look in Becca's eyes that told him not to push it. He sighed and walked to the door. Solomon pushed Corbin out. "Go."

Corbin began the descent down the stairs. He walked carefully, avoiding the pictures hung on the wall and the broken floorboards. Suddenly, he felt hands on his back. He turned his head just in time to see Solomon pushing him down the stairs.

"What-" Corbin went tumbling down the stairs, arm outstretched and knocking the pictures off the wall. At the bottom of the stairs, he jumped to his feet and shoved the battery in the door. The lock squealed.

Corbin looked up to see the bedroom door slam shut. Granny appeared at the top of the basement stairs. He ran up the stairs to the second floor and hammered on the bedroom door. "Let me in!" he cried.

"Your punishment," Solomon said through the door. Corbin could here the girls protesting. "Stop it," Elvyne screamed. "Let him in!"

Too late. Granny was too close. Corbin dashed into the second bedroom. He dove under the bed, scraping his elbows.

Granny appeared in the room and Corbin prayed he got under the bed in time. She walked to the bed. Then shuffled past. She looked into the tunnels and shook her head.

"Do you want to play hide and seek?" she croaked. She turned around and walked back to the door. She stopped and fiddled with something in her hands. There was a clank as a bear trap hit the floor. She chuckled and walked out.

Corbin slipped out from under the bed and crawled to the tunnels. He had to inspect them. He stood then ran into them. He went down the stairs to the room where they had all hid. He peeked into the room and saw the teddy bear. Maybe there's something in it, he thought. He crawled into the room and into the second one. He picked up the bear. A cloud of dust came out of its fur as he shook it off. He climbed out of the room and looked at in the better light.

It was nothing significant. Just a child's plaything. He remembered the playhouse and shivered. Maybe Granny really did have kids that she ate. There was a thud upstairs and Corbin knew he had to get moving. It sounded like it came from the bedroom so he didn't go that way. Instead, he kept going down the stairs, holding the bear.

He absolutely refused to go into the meat room. He didn't want to see Flint and Miranda strung up. He walked past it, trying to ignore the seeping blood coming out from under the  door. The flies were as loud as ever.

He went down the other steps and looked around this room. There was nothing in this room. It seemed useless. Corbin was about to crawl into the small tunnel to get into the basement when he remembered the secret room upstairs.

Corbin began to feel around the walls. He crouched down and examined the floor. There was nothing except for a small vent. It was covered in dust and grime. But there was something... Corbin looked closer and his heart began to thud. A key! He dropped the bear and jammed his finger nails under the edges. He pulled then gasped as his nails bent back and broke. 

It wouldn't budge. It was screwed in. There must be a screwdriver somewhere. He nodded and grabbed the bear again. He crawled through the small tunnel and into the basement. He stood up then gagged. Miranda was laying eagle spread in the middle of the floor. He took a deep breath and looked away, walking to the stairs.

Granny appeared at the top of them. Corbin scrambled to get back into the tunnel. He tripped over boxes and fell. He felt Granny's claws on his back. 

"No!" he screamed. He kicked back and she groaned. "Let go of me!" She grabbed his throat and held him while she clubbed him with the bat.

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