Day 5 -And Finished Knowing - then -

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He held his breath and closed his eyes, holding onto the childlike idea of, 'If I can't see it, it can't see me.' Silly.

"And then I heard them lift a Box

And creak across my Soul

With those same Boots of Lead, again,

Then Space - began to toll,

As all the Heavens were a Bell,

And Being, but an Ear,

And I, and Silence, some strange Race,

Wrecked, solitary, here -"

Corbin shrunk against the wall and shuddered. At this point, he was terrified of Iris more than he was of Granny. Maybe because Granny was locked away. Or maybe it was because Iris was... ghost-like.

Iris laughed, her voice slithering through the room to Corbin's ears.

"And then a Plank in Reason, broke,

And I dropped down, and down -

And hit a World, at every plunge,

And Finished knowing - then -"

He bit his lip to prevent himself from crying out in terror. Razor sharp fingernails dug into his neck and he was pulled up with inhuman like strength. He was whirled around to face Iris.

"Oh, my Corbin," she whispered, sunken eyes peering into his own. He swallowed, not daring to move. She touched his face and set him on his feet. She laughed again and pushed him into the chair behind him. A cloud of dust emerged from the cushions.

"Iris," he croaked. She cocked her head, dark, thinning hair falling partway on her face.

"Iris," he said, "What are you doing? We're so... we're so close to getting out. We could get you out too."

She leaned down and ran her fingers through his hair. "My dear, dear Corbin. It makes me sad to hear this, to know you don't know who I've been. Haven't you realized quite yet what about me is amiss?"

He raised an eyebrow and pushed her hand away."I think there are quite a few things about you that are 'amiss.'"

She slapped him hard and left his right ear ringing. "This house is not my prison. You say much is amiss? What isn't? Who is the person you know as Iris? "

He almost missed what she said and had to turn his good ear to her. "It's not your..." he said slowly. His mind was sluggish. "Who are you?"

"I've been here longer than anyone present. I was first to join this place as home. I live here is what I meant, but I have never been alone."

"You mean Granny?" Corbin said. She nodded. "There was a time when Granny had a daughter. But one year the daughter was gone. And people soon forgot her."

Corbin's eyes widened. "You're her daughter? You were... her first victim."

"You have seen through the riddle."

"But why don't you help kids get out?" Corbin said. "You know how we feel. Even more after being... betrayed by your own mother. Help us."

Iris shook her head, almost remorseful. "It's my family curse. All of us born with an aching. And murder is our thirst."

She pulled the knife out of her pocket and dove at Corbin. He yelped and ducked. He fell out of the chair and whirled around, looking as Iris pulled the knife out of the couch. She pushed him against the corner.

"Your friend was most kind to tell me where you were," she said. "Another victim to be found, without from me hardly a care."

"Wait, friend?" Corbin said, mostly trying to figure out a way to distract her. She really liked to talk, he could tell. But then what she said fell into place. "Friend? He? Solomon?"

Iris nodded. "I met him in the room. And like trading with the devil, he traded himself for you."

He pushed her off him and she hardly resisted. She lowered the knife and smiled. "Are you angry?"

Corbin turned and ran to the landing. Iris caught his wrist and yanked him to her. "Are you angry?" she repeated.

"Of course I'm angry!" he said. "I'm pissed! He sent you to kill me." She pulled him closer. "How angry are you?" she asked quietly. She placed her chin on his shoulder and whispered, "Do you want to kill him? Do you know how I feel? To tear him limb from limb?"

Corbin pulled back and looked at his hand in surprise. In his left hand was the knife, dry blood chipping off of its shiny surface. Iris smiled at him, her eyes fading back to their eerie blue. "Try it," she said. "Find Solomon."

"Kill him, you mean?" Corbin said.

"Or I'll kill all of you," she said. "Your choice."

"All of us? Even Becca?"


"If I do this," Corbin said, "I want something in return."

Her eyes snapped back to black. "What else could you want than to meet your true self? To find that side. To know yourself?"

"I want more," he said. "I want out."

Iris's eyes turned blue and her hair began to grow and lighten. She was her old self. "Please Corbin," she said, borderline begging. "Don't leave me alone again. Kill them and stay with me." She had stopped rhyming.

Corbin licked his lips. "I... will consider it. If you help me free Becca."

She looked down. "Do you like her?"

Corbin couldn't help the slight grin. "What? You jealous?"

She shook her fervently. "I just wonder why you would want to save her."

"She's my friend," he said. "She has a whole life ahead of her. Don't take it away."

Iris's eyes and hair darkened. So did her demeanor. "I will do what you ask. I have something that might help you. But only after you finish the task."

"No," Corbin said. "Give me whatever it is now." He came close to her and took her hand. "Please, Iris?" There was a flash of blue in her eyes. She reached into her gown and pulled out a funny looking square. It had four prongs coming out of it and a loop on the back.

"This is my special key," she said, so quietly that Corbin had to strain against the ringing in his ear

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"This is my special key," she said, so quietly that Corbin had to strain against the ringing in his ear. "It goes to a room above the attic. You haven't seen it because I have kept it hidden from everyone. Once I open it up, you will not be safe from Mother's attack."

"She's locked up," Corbin said. Iris shook her head. "Not for long." She put the lock in his hands. "You'll see it in the attic," she said. She took the hand with the knife in it and shook it slightly. "Remember what the key costs."

"You made the plan stick," Corbin said, rhyming with her. "My mind... it has crossed?"

Iris laughed and walked towards the landing. She opened the basement door and disappeared down it. Quite literally disappeared. Corbin couldn't believe his eyes as she faded into the dust.

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