Day 5- We All Fall Down

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Corbin's heart could hardly handle any more scares. He spun around and saw Iris staring grimly at him. She was not ghostlike and looked like when he had first met her.

"You didn't kill him," Iris said.

Corbin took a step away from her. "I just haven't yet. And your room was a dud anyway!"

"What do you mean?"

"It was a trap for the spider to kill us. It got Madison. The rest of us weren't so stupid."

"Spider?" Iris said. Her demeanor darkened. Her hair thinned and turned to the color of ravens' feathers.

"Mother found the room before you," she said. "Now it will be hard for you to get through."

She came closer to Corbin. He swallowed. "But you, my friend, did not do what was asked," she whispered. Corbin took another step back.

"It was simple and you agreed to the task."

Corbin backed into the chained up body. Pieces of who knows what fell from its face and rained down on Corbin. Iris screamed. "Get away from my body!"

Corbin ducked under her outstretched hands and ran out. He ran to the lever that had hidden behind the painting and flipped it. The bookshelf shuddered and slid to a close. Iris's screams were muffled by wood and books.

Corbin ran out the door without thinking. Granny had just come out of the bathroom. She smiled. Not knowing where else to go, he turned to the attic door and threw it open. His feet thundered up the stairs.

The familiar feeling of dread intensified as Corbin entered the attic. The same feeling as when he got attacked by Granny. But she could not get near him. It would be game over for him if he did.

The vent above the bathroom was the first thing that caught his eye. He bent down and slid in. He immediately jumped through the hole.

The bathroom was empty. He ran into the bedroom. It was empty too.

"Corbin!" He spun around and saw Becca, Solomon, and Madison running for the kitchen. Becca waved at him to come. He had never seen such a look of terror in their faces. The three of them disappeared into the kitchen. Iris appeared from the living room, clutching the knife she had given Corbin. She waved it at him and called, "I keep my end of the deal."

"No, stop!" Corbin hollered after her. He ran down the stairs as the attic door slammed open. Granny came out.

Corbin chased Iris into the kitchen. She turned into the dining room just as Solomon's big body slipped through the open window. Iris screamed in frustration.

"Iris, stop!" Corbin said. She turned. The darkness melted off of her and she smiled. "Corbin, why didn't you keep your promise?"

"Help me with the special room and if I'm satisfied, I'll kill him."

Iris thought about it a moment. "You need to feed the spider," she said. "Feed it fresh meat."

"Where would I get fresh meat?" Corbin asked. Iris laughed. "Dead bodies equal meat."

Corbin gagged. "Uch, no! The meat room? I'm never going in there again."

Iris shook her head and looked at him like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "That meat is too old," she said. "You need FRESH meat. You need a warm, dead body. You need Solomon."

Corbin gagged again. "I can't do that."

Iris giggled. "All you do is stab and cut him open. Cut off an arm or something. The spider likes hearts too."

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