CH28: the Maven

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??? POV:

It's this dream again... this weird dream.

I find myself in this wasteland, and I find myself in a hill that leads to this field.

When I look around, I find castles and buildings all look destroyed and even burned to the point where they melted, honestly it looks like the world ended.

The most obvious feature was the sun, it looked like an eclipse was happening, but this one was different, the light was fiery orange and a line of light was connected to it leading to the hill.

Despite my bitter judgment, I started walking up the hill, and when I reached the top, my eyes widen at the sight.

It was a field of beautiful white flowers, the flowers were on fire yet somehow weren't burning, but that wasn't what caught my attention.

What had my attention was what's in the middle, there was a weird sword with a spiral blade that was coiled In a dying flame.

Near the sword was a man in a very old, very burned armor, it had rags connected to the chest area, and the helmet had a crown like shape on it's back.

I start walking through the flower field, and when I reach him, he stands up, grab the sword and pull it out so strong that it shook the ground.

He looks at me holding the sword... yet... I don't feel threatened at all.

I notice something else, on his neck, he was wearing a necklace... no, an emblem of sorts.

It looked old, had a deep shade of green and a wolf's head in it... then... he spoke.

Knight: you do not speak words, yet you need none for me to hear you.

I couldn't make out his voice, there was too much echo In it, like a hundred person speaking at the same time.

Then the light of the eclipse started fading, and everything was going dark.

Knight: even after the fire fades, and the age of dark begins, a new age of fire shall begin, and it shall be ignited by the embers left by lords long past.

The light completely fades... and then... I woke up.

Third POV:

A woman has awoken from her sleep, she got up from her bed and slid her feet to the ground.

Near her bed was an odd instrument with strings.

She walked up to the mirror and saw her reflection.

She was a woman with blue hair and eyes, she was wearing a sleeping rope, she sighed and messaged her head.

Woman: "maybe I should see Soraka about that dream"

She decided to leave it for now and get along with her morning.

Somewhere in the Institute:

Grey just woke up in Nidalee's bed, he got up and stretched.

He saw that Nidalee wasn't there so he had a bath and exited to see both her and Ahri getting ready for something.

Grey: good morning.

Ahri/Nidalee: morning.

Grey: so what are you up to?

Ahri: we're all free today, Lux is taking me and Aki to the arcade, she keeps saying she's going to win but I don't think so.

Nidalee: I'm going back to the jungle to bring back a few things, the Institute built a transport station near it so I'll be back by sunset.

Grey: oh... alright I guess... hey, where's Silver?

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