CH37: the pledge

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Third POV:

Ahri woke up in the morning to see both her and Grey covered in her tails, she couldn't help but smile remembering last night.

They came back pretty late and Grey was right about his sister, Ahri remembered how both Grey and Solas had to hold her back while Brite got away.

She untangled her tails and went through her morning routine, she got out to the living room and saw Nidalee.

She was sitting on the couch with Vordt's mace leaning on it, the table had Grey's weapons and his pledge and the window was open letting fresh air in.

Ahri: good morning.

Nidalee: morning.

Ahri: where's Silver?

Nidalee: Annie took him for a walk again, but enough about that, how was the date?

Ahri: it was pretty good, it did get a little chaotic at the end but everything was settled.

Nidalee: anything special happen?

Ahri: just a kiss on the cheek from me?

Nidalee: (raises eyebrow) just that? Not a full kiss?

Ahri: I wanted to do that, but I remembered that I promised to help you with a date with Grey, if I did give him a full kiss, then your chances with him would have been less.

Nidalee: (smile) thanks... so what do you mean by chaotic?

Ahri: it's a long story, but right now I just want to rest.

Ahri walked up to the couch and jumped in, but then unintentionally made Vordt's mace start falling.

It fell striking the bottom of Grey's knife, it worked as a catapult sending Grey's pledge that was at the blade into the air.

Their eyes followed the pledge as it flew over them... and flew right through the window.

It took them a second to realize what happened.

Ahri/Nidalee: AAAAAAAAH!

They both went to the window and immediately started looking around.

Nidalee: I can't see it! Can you?

Ahri: no! What are we going to do?

Before they can think of anything, they both tensed at the sound of a door opening.

They turned around to see Grey get out while putting his hat on, he looked up to them with a smile.

Grey: good morning... what's up with you two?

Ahri/Nidalee: Nothing! Nothing at all.

Grey: okaaaay... anyway, we're free today.

Ahri: that's great.

Then she went to Grey, turned him around and started pushing him to the door.

Ahri: how about we go get breakfast, I bet you're hungry.

Grey: w-wait, the rest of my stuff-

Ahri: will be here when you get back, it's just breakfast, now let's go.

Ahri pushed Grey out of the room, turned around, looked at at Nidalee and mouthed the words 'go find it'.

Once they were out, Nidalee looked outside the window trying to see where the emblem landed.

Meanwhile, Grey and Ahri were on the hallway and making their way towards the dinning hall when they ran into Sona.

Grey: good morning Sona.

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