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I woke up and stared at the ceiling for about twenty minutes. I didn't want to get up, especially not to go to work. It was the first day of many and, even though it'd be my fifth year, there was no way I could ever get used to the awful feeling of the first day of school.

Hesitantly, I got out of bed and started my day. I made my way into school fairly quickly and, as the morning progressed, I began to feel more upbeat. I loved my job as a gym teacher, truthfully. The exercise was something I had enjoyed doing and teaching, more like supervising, sweaty teenagers was practically a walk in the park. Besides, there was just something so interesting about being an educator at the same high school you went to. It was almost like you were reliving the "good old days," but no one gave you any shit about it.

As they usually do, the first day went by very fast and, before I knew it, it was lunch. I made my way to the teacher's lounge where I pulled out my container of heated leftovers and sat down next to a buddy of mine that I had grown close to, Robert Connors. He taught history and was a good guy. One of my first friends here, actually.

"How are classes going, Rob?" I asked, casually. He finished swallowing before he answered with a wide smile.

"Great! I'm pretty excited about this year. I just hope I don't get too bored. I have a long prep period, you know?"

"Me too. Last period of the day, though, for me," I commented and we finished eating before we had any real or deep conversations.

"You hear we have a new cheerleading coach?" I shook my head.

"I had no idea. Who is it?"

"No one knows. We'll find out today at the meeting, though." The bell rang, signaling lunch was over. "I'll catch you later, finish strong," Rob said as he cleared his things and left. I lingered behind for a few moments before doing the same and finishing the day.

During the seventh period, I came up from my office and walked around for a bit as a way to wake up a bit more. I knew I had a few more hours to go and I didn't want to fall asleep just yet. As I got walked down the corridor, though, I saw someone at the end of it standing at the bulletin board.

They became clearer as I got closer and he looked small, about 5'5. He was reaching up high to hang up flyers. I continued walking towards him because, in all honesty, he looked like a student and I wanted to ask him what he was doing. Before I could get to him, his phone rang and he answered it quickly, walking out the door beside his place in the hall.

"Hello, you have-" I heard before the door closed and his voice ceased. I stopped walking and looked at the flyer: Cheerleading Prospectives: Meeting in the Lecture Hall at 2:30 Tomorrow. - Coach K. My eyes went from the flyer and to the door window where I saw the man drive away in his car with his phone blocking his face.

I guess he wasn't a student, after all, considering the flyer he was hanging said "Coach K." Still, my eyebrows furrowed at the ordeal of it all. I had no idea who that guy was and he left just as mysteriously as he arrived. I was intrigued, regardless. Maybe he would be the one at the meeting today. It was required that every teacher and coach show up, anyway. Some junk about unity and communication.


"Here, sit next to me," Kevin said. He was my best friend and my assistant coach for when basketball season came around, which wasn't going to be too long from now. We had met in college and been working together ever since. However, he didn't work at the school so I only saw him during meetings like these and on the weekends in the off-season.

"Thanks, Kev." I smiled at him and we talked as we waited for the meeting to get going. It didn't take long and soon my boss, Principal Benson, was talking to us as he normally does in these meetings. Everyone was expected to be engaged in them and show some real care in everything that he was saying, but I couldn't help but ignore that rule every time it arose. Especially now, when I found myself constantly checking the door to see if that guy had come in. I just wanted to to know who it was in the least creepy way possible.

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