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I looked at Kellin and searched for his reaction to what I had just done. My heart practically pounded out of my chest and his silence was killing me.

"V-vic..." He began, but I cut him off.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have. I was just talking to Kevin, and I kept looking at you. You always look so nice when you're doing cheerleading and it made me remember about how I used to watch you. You, still, just look so perfect in my eyes and I was sick of being so far when I finally have you back-"

Without warning, Kellin grabbed hold of my face and we locked lips once more. This time, it held confirmation instead of pure passion. I now knew that Kellin was okay with what I had done before. I understood that he felt something similar to what I had been feeling, perhaps, this whole time.

When we broke apart, my heart slowed down a bit, but I still looked at him with crimson cheeks and a dumbfounded smile.

"I liked it, don't be weird about it." Kellin's hands slid down my arms and held my hands before he looked behind me and noticed halftime was over. His cheerleaders jogged to the side, and I knew that meant he had to go.

"I'll talk to you after the game, don't leave before me, okay?" I nodded and he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles, smiling at me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. Soon, he jogged away and I was left with blush infiltrating my face and sweaty palms.

"I can't believe I just did that..." I said to myself. I was joined by Kevin soon after and he looked like a complete clown with the smirk he had plastered on.

"Well that was the most heated halftime for you, huh?"

"Shut up," The rest of the night, my eyes roamed Kellin's being. He was so endearing that I felt as though I couldn't look away. It reminded me, easily, of high school when I would watch him and feel nothing but affection toward him. That feeling of love never went away, as hard as it is to admit it. Even in college, when I tried dating other people, there was always something missing. They were too reckless, overdramatic, or too boring. Kellin wasn't that, and I haven't known him to be anything like that. Kellin, in my eyes, was perfect.

The game ended quickly and we won miraculously, causing a good amount of people to rush onto the field. They were mainly coaches, cheerleaders, players, and parents, though, so I didn't do anything about it except search for Kellin in the midst of it all. He found me relatively easily and pulled me to the side of the field.

"Hey," he greeted. His eyes locked with mine and a smile remained on both of our faces.

"Hey," I breathed. "I'm sorry, again. I shouldn't have come on so strong,"

"Don't be. I've been wanting to do that for years," I chuckled. If only he knew. "Can we talk this weekend?"

"Yeah, I'm free anytime. Just call me." Kellin nodded and said a simple goodbye, letting his hand linger on mine as I watched him walk off. His hips swayed and I could tell he had a smile on his face with the way his small curls bounced with every step he took.

Kissing Kellin tonight was worth it. I wasn't trying to grasp onto the remnants of our past relationship, I was trying to prove to him that we could have a completely new one. I was proving to myself that I was mature, and acknowledging he was still on my mind. It was starting over, but with the same feelings enhanced.


It wasn't until Saturday night that Kellin and I talked and my mind had been full of him the entire time. I will admit, though, not all thoughts were as PG as I would have liked to kept it, but I was in the middle of remembering everything about him; it wasn't my fault.

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