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Doing security for high school football games was never fun. All I did all night was walk around and make sure no one came onto the field. That wasn't too hard, though, because we had a losing team half of the time. I guess when your best sports are cheerleading, basketball, and baseball, though, no one really cares.

I walked around and waited for the game to start. Everyone was warming up, but the cheerleaders hadn't come out yet, so it was still early.

"Vic!" I hear someone call me from behind. It was Kevin, I could already tell from the voice. I forgot he was coming, and thank God he was. I didn't want to be bored all night.

"Oh my God, it's my savior." I hugged Kevin tightly as we stood on the track surrounding the field. It was already pretty cold out, though, so our jackets got in the way.

"What's up?"

"Just waiting for this to start. I'm bored, though." I leaned against the fence that separated the field from the crowd and huffed.

"Well, where's Kellin? Won't he be here?"

"Yeah, but I won't talk to him like that. How did you two become so close, anyway?"

"I like him. He's sassy," Kevin beamed and I chuckled. Kellin was sassy, I'll admit that. I don't think he would be Kellin without that attitude of his.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked.

"What? Nothing. Why do you ask?" I wondered, but Kellin remained on my mind.

"You're sort of tense. Oh, do you not like Kellin?" I liked Kellin. But, in what way? I shrugged and Kevin dropped the subject. For the rest of the night, we just walked around and talked, messing around when we got more bored than usual. Come half-time, though, it was dark and everyone was preoccupied so, we leaned on the fence and watched the cheerleaders.

Watching Kellin coach all night reminded me of how I used to watch them during their practices or football games like these. It was always so interesting how they did the things that they do, but watching Kellin was the best part. My eyes always lingered to him because he looked so good doing it. He was in his element and nothing could take him out of it. It was exhilarating.

"They look a lot better than last year," Kevin pointed out and I agreed.

"That's because of Kellin, you know?"

"He must be great, then,"

"Sure, I guess," I said, quietly. My mind had made a decision, and I knew it as I watched him intently. His smile brightened everyone else's and his energy flowed from person to person; I missed him.

"Okay, you're killing me. Spill it, now." Kevin stood in front of me and focused my sight on only him. He did this when he wanted attention. I looked from him to Kellin, and back to him again.

"If I tell you, you can't say a single word, I swear." I held out my pinky for him to promise me and he did without hesitation. Again, though, I changed glances from him to Kellin, letting my eyes wander to Kellin longer than I may have needed.

"I think... I'm not sure, but I think I like Kellin... still,"

"What?!" Kevin yelled I covered his mouth so he didn't draw attention toward us. The cheerleaders had just finished and Kellin looked over to us as soon as he heard Kevin.

"Sorry, sorry," Kevin whispered, "You do?!"

"Well, he is my ex-boyfriend..." I mumbled. Kevin hadn't known that, so this was all news to him, but he was reacting the same way I would expect him to if he did know.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I heard as Kellin approached us with a wide smile. "Hey, Vic!" Kevin looked at me and laughed nervously. He was such an idiot.

"I-I am going to get something to eat, Kellin. I'll be back!" Kevin said, running away from us after winking at me. It was like he was thirteen fucking years old and it was weird (to say the least).

"What was that about?" Kellin asked, pointing to Kevin.

"I don't... know," I said with an awkward chuckle. Kellin shrugged. "You guys look good out there. Looks like your endless practices are paying off,"

"Yeah, they're actually good, I'm surprised. I thought the team would have gone to shit as soon as I left," Kellin laughed and I couldn't help but mimic it. His laugh was always so contagious.

"Oh, how I missed that cockiness." I chuckled.

"Everyone does!" Kellin nudged me and leaned against the fence relatively close to me as we watched the game start back up. The only thing you could hear was the chatter of the stands, but Kellin and I had a physical conversation.

We both felt so open with each other, I could tell. It was refreshing and nice. It was a reminder that he was the only person this silence was enjoyable with. He was the only person I felt comfortable with.


"Vic, I miss you." Kellin stood in front of me with his head down. I lifted his chin quickly and crashed my lips to his. I wasted no time in physically telling Kellin that I missed him, too. It was new and it was unexpected, but it was refreshing — and I didn't care.

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