Five / I still taste blood.

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Songs For This Chapter:

My Blood - Ellie Goulding

Jason's Point Of View

When I heard that Katherine was in the shower, couldn't I stop thinking about anything else than what she had gotten herself involved in, when she started to steal things. I mean do these girls even know who they are against, when they steal things, at places like the jewel store.

The owner of the store has a son, who's a really respected man in this industry. He has this pretty big gang (not bigger than mine of course, but it's still pretty big) and you don't want to mess with them. They're lucky it weren't them who got them. It would've been awful. Yeah I know I'm a monster, but I would never use girls like they do.

I lay down on the bed with my phone, and suddenly I heard the door open, and out walked a smoking hot Katherine. She looked really good with my clothe on, and my t-shirt is way too big for her size, she is really skinny so it looks funny, and at same time pretty sexy.

She looked over at me, and spoke "Do you have a toothbrush? I still taste like blood."

I answered "Sure. Come with me."

I followed her to the bathroom, and handed her my toothbrush. "Is that yours?" she asked, with a surprised look.

"Yep." I said and gave her the toothbrush. She had a shocked expression on her face.

"Am I going to use your toothbrush?" she asked me with a confused expression.

"Who else's would you use?" I said smirking. Oh god this girl, does she think we have planned out to get her everything before we took her with us? I mean it's not a hotel, we doesn't have things to other people, we only have what we need.

I then walked out of the room, and went down to the boys, who were sitting in the living room, and talking. They looked at me, and then just kept talking. I sat down, and listened to their conversation.

Christian and Ryan talked about Katherine.

"Did you see how big her ass looked?" Christian asked Ryan with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I would like to have that fine ass in my lap." Ryan smirked. I don't know why but I had this weird feeling inside of me. I weren't used to feel this way, when my friends talked about a girl. It's just a girl, but it just feels so different when it's her they're talking about.

Katherine came down to us, and suddenly the boys stopped talking about her. I wonder why? I asked if she wanted to sit down beside me, and she nodded. She sat down beside me, and the other boys smirked at me. I just rolled my eyes at them and looked back at Katherine.

"Do you still taste like blood?" I asked smirking.

"Nope. I borrowed your toothbrush, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. It was like 2 minutes ago." I said smirking even more.

"Oh, Sherlock." She said, just looking at her hands in her lap.

Christian came over beside Katherine, and started talking to her.

Katherine's Point Of View

"Hey pretty, are you okay now?" Christian asked me in a flirty tone.

"Yeah, um.. I'm fine, thank you." I said smiling slightly to him.

"So, what are you doing in your spare time?" he asked, even though he didn't seemed so interested. He was too busy staring at my boobs.

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