It's Over

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The days go by and night after night you spend numerous time with Levi, but by day he still treats you almost as if he hates you. Situations always arise that seemingly requires him to feel the need to yell at you and embarrass you in front of your whole squad. Whether it be for a slip up during practice, or something simple like dropping a sock while carrying a load of laundry. This treatment aggravated you immensely, but an even worse feeling was the fact that you still had feelings for him, and he was just breaking your heart. You were tired for not knowing exactly what he was thinking, so you went to the source for clarification.

You knock on the door to the Captain's office.

"Who is it?" a muffled, gruff voice reverberated behind the door.

"It's L/N, sir. F/N L/N."

You hear a deep sigh "Alright, come in, Cadet".

You gingerly turned the door knob, hearing the heavy latch snap within the door frame. You timidly stepped in and shut the sturdy door behind you.

"State your business," Levi didn't even look at you. As he spoke his eyes remained on a sheet of paper on his desk, analyzing some sort of paperwork for who knows what.

You tried to remain calm but you couldn't help but shake in your boots. Your heart began to race and you could feel your mouth getting dryer "I uhm...".

Levi scrunched his eye brows, his sharp, silver eyes darting up at you. The rest of his body remained still as his death glare peers over his interlocked fingers placed directly under his nose, elbows resting on his desk "Make it quick, I don't have all day for this".

"Levi- I mean, Captain," your palms were sweating as you clenched your fists at your sides "I just... can't help but feel like you dislike me".

"What?" Levi put his hands down, crossing his arms on his desk "Where is this coming from?"

You release a sharp sigh "I-I've just noticed that, recently, you've been being a little harsh on me for things you would be more lenient about if another Scout did them".

"Well of course!" Levi leaned back in his chair.

You were taken aback, shocked by his sudden response. You had assumed he would deny that behavior, or blow it off like you're crazy.

"I kind of need to be harsher on you, L/N. It's one of the easier ways for me to cover up our affair, that's so we don't arouse suspicion whatsoever. Need I remind you that we are not romantically involved?"

You shake your head, flabbergasted by his remark, and you take a step back "What? No! How does that make sense? If anything you need to treat me just like everyone else, romantically involved or not!"

"Shush shush!" Levi stood up abruptly, you could seen a vein about to burst in his right temple "Don't speak so loudly, my door is not sound proof".

You cross your arms, rolling your eyes in the process.

Levi rubs the bridge of his nose, clearly fighting a headache "You need to go now, I've got a lot of work to do".

He steps around his desk, escorting you to the door "And I don't dislike you, Cadet. I don't dislike anyone. I either deal with them, or hate them".

Empty Affair [AOT: Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now